A simple exercise to identify limiting beliefs

A simple exercise to identify limiting beliefs

Contrary to popular belief, limiting beliefs are NOT difficult to identify!

In fact – that in itself is a limiting belief!

Limiting beliefs can cause you to procrastinate, self-sabotage, freeze up in fear and miss out on golden opportunities. They generally make life difficult.

But to IDENTIFY limiting beliefs is incredibly quick & easy!

In this episode, I’m going to show you exactly how easy and simple identifying your limiting beliefs is.
I’ll share the ONE simple question that helps you do it – and show you how to use it!



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Why is this process so simple? Because we deal with the issue at its source – your unconscious mind!

It’s your unconscious mind that CHOOSES which beliefs you take on. And it’s tapping into your unconscious mind by asking ONE simple question that helps you identify those beliefs.

And when it comes to later transforming and CHANGING those beliefs, it’s again quickest & most effective to work with your unconscious mind. But let’s worry about IDENTIFYING your limiting beliefs first!

This is actually the most important – and empowering – part of the process.

Because when you shine that light of consciousness, you are bringing that belief out of the unconscious and into your conscious awareness. And THAT is when you’re back in the driver’s seat and in a position of power.

To do that is really not that difficult. In fact, I’ve created an entire DIY system called the Limiting Belief Busting Process to help you identify and transform your limiting beliefs.

In a moment, I’ll take you through the first part of that process – to IDENTIFY YOUR LIMITING BELIEF.

We do this based on one simple principle: “Your Reasons Demonstrate Your Beliefs.”

Here’s how to apply this: Any time I ask you, “Why do you do that, say that or think that?” The REASON you give me basically tells me what you believe. It’s the beliefs you hold that inform your actions, words & thoughts.

I’m sure you’ve noticed this in your own life. Sometimes you will say something to another person and they make it mean something entirely different. That’s because they hold a belief that is coloring their perception. We all filter our experiences through this lens of our perception. And this lens is colored based on our belief system.

We don’t really experience the world as it is. We experience the world as we believe it to be.

Any time you experience negative emotions, it’s a sign that you have a limiting belief. So if you’re wondering where to begin, just look at your negative emotions. Because they indicate that you’re being triggered by a negative limiting belief. So your emotions are very helpful because they provide a signal and a clue that points you in the right direction.

So let’s demonstrate how easy it is to identify limiting beliefs. I’ll give you an example and you can play along at home with your own limiting belief.

We start with a negative emotion – identifying both the emotion and the situation it relates to.
(incidentally, if you watch the video for this episode, you’ll see me demonstrate this process using the Limiting Belief Busting Toolkit)

Let’s pretend it’s, “I feel really stressed out and scared about launching my new group program”

So we’ve identified the feeling and what it’s related to.

Now let’s use the principle I shared that our reasons demonstrate our beliefs.
We want to find out the reason for this emotion. How do we do that…? SIMPLE! We just ask!!

We literally ask, ”Why do I feel that way about this situation?

Why do you feel really stressed out and scared? 

You could feel any other way. You could feel excited and inspired, yet you choose to feel stressed out and scared. Why do you feel that way?

And your answer will show you the underlying belief.

Let’s pretend the answer is, “Because I still feel like I don’t know enough and people won’t buy it anyway.”

So what we actually have in this example, is something that happens a lot in real life. And that is that we’ve identified TWO limiting beliefs!

First we have, ‘I still don’t know enough’.

And that’s definitely a big limiting belief..  and also very common in the women business owners I work with. This is why they tend to keep enrolling in more courses, doing more marketing programs and hiring yet another new coach.… (ring any bells..?)

So ‘I still don’t know enough‘ is definitely a limiting belief that’s going to cause all sorts of trouble and hold you back.

But we’ve also identified a second limiting belief, ‘People won’t buy it anyway’.

This is a limiting belief that people won’t buy what you have to offer – that they don’t want it.

So by getting clear on the negative emotion and asking what the reason for that feeling is, we’ve identified not one, but TWO limiting beliefs!

If we were continuing to work through the Limiting Belief Busting Process, we would now release and replace these beliefs. And we would do that by focusing on one at a time. My recommendation is to start with the one that holds the most energy – the secondary one will usually fall away in the process.

So there you have it! It’s that quick and easy to identify your limiting beliefs. 


All we’ve basically done is ask one question, ‘Why do you feel this negative emotion?’

By identifying the belief, you’ve taken away its power and done the lion share of the work.

Remember, this was an unconscious limiting belief until now. By identifying it, you’ve brought it into your conscious awareness. You’re literally shining a light of consciousness on it and put yourself in a position of power.

So now you can ask yourself, “Do I really want this limiting belief to inform the way I show up, the way I run my business, the way I do life? Do I want to start looking at things differently? And in what ways can I start to do that?”

Everything changes once you’ve identified that limiting belief.

Tell me in the comments below: What’s your biggest takeaway from this episode?

PS: If you’d like support with identifying your limiting beliefs AND want to go the next step where you release and transform them, grab yourself the Limiting Belief Busting Toolkit. You get everything you need: worksheets, a tutorial and access to live workshops! PLUS, it includes HYPNOSIS to ensure that new empowering belief gets wired into your unconscious as quickly and deeply as possible.  Just click this link to get access now.

Ready to go deeper?


Say goodbye to money blocks the quick & easy way:

Money Block Buster System image



The Hidden Money Block Nobody Talks About

The Hidden Money Block Nobody Talks About

There’s a hidden money block nobody talks about… and it’s a lack of money confidence!

While people busily work on their mindset and try to align with more abundance, so more money can flow – they often miss one very important detail.

And that is that, once the money comes in, you actually have to deal with it!

Because you’ll need to distribute your income, pay your bills and taxes and make a whole bunch of financial decisions.

You’ll ALWAYS have to interface with your  money – no matter how much – or how little – comes in it. 

You simply cannot avoid dealing with your money.



Click here to watch it




And if you lack confidence – if you’re not sure how to best manage your money – that right there is a MASSIVE mindset wobble AND a huge vibrational wobble!

Because if there’s uncertainty, intrepidation or even anxiety…. 

If you’re uncomfortable looking at your banking…
If you’re not quite sure what the best thing to do with your money is…

That creates an unconscious block to more of it flowing into your experience!

You will unconsciously BLOCK IT – because ultimately, it gets UNCOMFORTABLE

And no amount of alignment or mindset work can overcome that.

When I first started working with women in business on their money mindset, I noticed an attitude of “I’ll just manifest more money and that’ll fix everything.”

They thought by manifesting more, they’d be able to avoid having to deal with it

But that’s backwards!

Because the sooner that we gain those money skills, the sooner we grow in money confidence – which helps us dissolve those mindset and energetic wobbles, so more money can flow.

If you lack confidence in managing your finances, you’re definitely not alone!

Because most of us were never shown what to do. Nobody showed us how to organize and manage our money when we were young. And even if you took a business course, usually you learn how to manage the company’s money, but not your personal money. (I’ve worked with several Accountants who struggled to manage their personal finances, because nobody had ever taught them!)

Most people walk around with this silent money shame.
They’re just making it up as they go, hoping for the best. But they don’t feel like they know what they’re doing. They have no confidence in their ability to make the right decisions.

And if that’s you, please know it’s not your fault!
Because how are you meant to know what to do, if nobody ever showed you?

If you have ever tried to get help with managing your finances, you probably noticed how hard it is to find someone who’s able and willing to teach you what you need to do.

When I first started my business, my accountant would tell me how well I was doing..  but we never talked about my credit card debt and the enormous stress it was causing me! My business was going great, but I was personally super stressed about money! And my accountant only focused on the business and its finances. And it wasn’t their fault – that’s their job.

Then there are financial advisers & planners. But they’re usually looking to invest a few hundred thousand dollars of your money to help secure your financial future. And that’s great, but how do you get there in the first place?

Last – and definitely LEAST – are the “Done For You” budgeting and money management services!
I have a major issue with those and think they’re rife with danger.

Because when you give away your power, not only do you never learn how to manage your money…
You’re paying somebody else (often exorbitant sums of money) to do it for you and that keeps you stuck, waiting for them to give you weekly pocket money like a kid.

When I was running my finance business, I often saw these services go horribly wrong for my clients. It made me so angry. Clients were paying huge amounts of money but  not learning how to take responsibility for their finances or become financially independent.

And worst of all… unbeknownst to them, their bills – including their mortgages – were often being consistently paid late – and their credit score took a dive down the toilet!
It left many people in a very difficult predicament.

So I urge you: Get educated and learn how to manage your money YOURSELF!

The great news is that it’s so much easier than you think! It just takes a simple step by step process. And it all starts by asking yourself “How do I do this and where do I start?”

Above all, please give yourself a break and stop blaming yourself!
Because remember, nobody ever taught you how to do it! And the resultant lack of money confidence is a massive money block – which only makes things harder!

But as you set out to educate yourself and learn how to manage your money, you’ll transform your relationship with money. As you grow in money confidence, it will help dissolve those money blocks and old stories of “I’m not good with money. Money slips through my fingers” etc

And as these things start to shift, you’ll start to attract more money consistently. And that will help buoy your confidence… and then you’re up & away!

Learning how to take loving care of your money is a beautiful healing act that helps you transform your relationship with money – both inside and out.

It makes you magnetic to more and it transforms the way you feel about life. It’s a beautiful thing.

If you’re not sure where to begin, I recommend starting by organizing your banking, because having that set up properly is the foundation stone of a money system designed for growth.
I have a free workshop you can take to help you do that, Just click click here to get started.

I look forward to seeing you there so you can start transforming your relationship with money from the inside out. 

Remember, abundance is an inside job – but there are things you need to do on the ‘outside’ that allow it to flow. 

Before you go, I’d love to hear from you!
On a scale of 1-10, where’s your money confidence at right now?

Please let me know in the comments below.

Ready to go deeper?




Organize & Tidy Your Banking

‘Spark the joy’ of becoming magnetic – for women entrepreneurs.

The Secret Code to Unlocking Your 6-Figure Income - PLAIN HEADER


How to uncover your money beliefs

How to uncover your money beliefs

Today I’m going to share with you one of the simplest ways to uncover your money beliefs that are stopping you from attracting the money you want.


Do you have a feeling that maybe there’s something going on under the hood that is causing money to be an issue in your life?

Have you already got money coming into your life but it seems to disappear again as quickly as it arrives, or money still feels like an issue – even though you actually have plenty?

Then you’re probably starting to realise that there’s some hidden money beliefs at the unconscious level that somehow somewhere there’s something sabotaging your relationship with money. 


The thing is that 98% of everything we think, do, feel and say, is pretty much unconscious.

It’s just automatic habit patterns that are running the show and you’re busy getting on with your day thinking you’re in charge, but really, you’re only consciously in charge of about 2% of what goes on in your life. 




So if those unconscious habit patterns of thought, of feeling, of relating to money, of the way you approach life and what you are actually open to seeing in terms of opportunities, and ideas are not helpful and in alignment with how you do want your money relationship to be, then it’s time to look under the hood.

It’s time to uncover your money beliefs.

Because all that stuff is going on at the unconscious level, that’s where we want to go to start figuring out what’s going on and to start changing it. There’s no point smashing away at the conscious level, if your unconscious is just busily getting on with the same old, same old – it’ll just wear you out and frustrate you. 

All you need to do is use your unconscious mind to help you because it already has the answers. 

It knows what it’s doing. It knows what’s going on. And here’s the thing about your unconscious mind, it’s kind of like Google on steroids. It loves being asked the question, so all you need to do is ask it a question and it will go away, search and find all the answers, catalogue them, put them all together for you in a nice little pretty bullet point format and put a little bow on top. 

And the moment that you are in the right frame of mind to receive that information, it’ll pop up. 

It will go to work for you and help you uncover your money beliefs – the good, the bad & the ugly.

What do I mean by being in the right frame of mind? Well, you know how sometimes you lose your car keys or you can’t remember where you put them and you try and try and try to remember but you can’t? 

Well you’re in the wrong frame of mind to receive the information because you’re focused on what’s not there…

You’re focused on the problem.

But then two hours later, you’re in the shower washing your hair, and suddenly you go, “That’s right, I put them in the kitchen in the cupboard when I was getting the tea out,” and you remember because you’re suddenly in the right frame of mind and open to receiving information so your unconscious says, “Oh finally, there’s a crack,” and pushes the information through. 

That’s all you need to do. 

Ask really good questions such as “I wonder what I would need to believe to be creating this situation over and over again. And I wonder where that belief came from?”


Ask those sorts of questions and you can uncover your money beliefs. 


And when the answers come, it actually allows you to start unravelling some of that old patterning and some of those old stories that you’re telling yourself. 

One of the easiest ways to get in the right frame of mind to receive the answers is to get on the vibration of abundance, where you’re no longer focusing on that money as an issue.

To help you do that, I have this really great abundance vibration audio. It’s a hypnotic meditation to get you in alignment with the vibration of abundance, which is a good thing no matter what you’re doing. And you can grab it for free just by following this link: www.miriamcastilla.com/freeaudio

If you want to uncover your money beliefs that are creating money blocks and stopping you from fully tapping into Law of Attraction, then I highly recommend you check out my Money Block Buster System™ here: www.miriamcastilla.com/mbbs

So go grab yourself that, ask lots of good questions, and let’s uncover your money beliefs that are stopping you from having the relationship with money that you really deserve and want to have. 

And until I see you next time, keep embracing your unlimited potential.

Ready to go deeper?


Say goodbye to money blocks the quick & easy way:

Money Block Buster System image


Download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Abundance Manifesting Meditation here:

Manifesting Meditation Image

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mindset shifts to attract 6-figures image
How to hit 6-figures in your business image

5 mindset shift to help you attract a 6-figure income in your business.
Click here: https://miriamcastilla.com/080-attract-a-6-figure-income/

How to hit 6-figures in your business – even if you have money blocks
Click here: https://miriamcastilla.com/080-attract-a-6-figure-income/

How to manifest more money when money stops flowing

How to manifest more money when money stops flowing

Are you starting to resent your money… maybe just a little bit?

Do you find that you look at your banking, open your bills or just look at your finances, and feel as though you are really starting to hate your money? Like your money’s letting you down? Like it’s just not there for you?

I want to talk about that for a moment because that can really start to gather some serious momentum and take you down a very negative spiral.

The problem with it is that it then attracts even more of the same. So as you start focusing on the lack of money – even if it’s just a momentary thing where maybe a client cancels and you’d already spent the money in your mind so suddenly you start going into this “lack” mentality – then Law of Attraction actually grabs a hold of that and starts to build more and more of the same.





You start to have more negative thoughts, more thoughts of “What’s going on?”, more thoughts of bills that are coming in and maybe not quite enough money to pay them, more ideas of things that you’re having to go without because there’s not enough money.

It just builds and builds and builds momentum, and as it does, Law of Attraction grabs a hold of that at all these different levels.

It starts with thoughts, but thoughts become things.

Law of Attraction grabs a hold of your thoughts and before you know it, you’ve started creating some actual things in your experience: more bills, more cancellations, more blah blah blah, that then proves to you that those thoughts were right.

When thoughts become things you will always prove yourself right. Whether you think you’re abundant and there’s plenty of money in your life, or whether you think there’s never enough money and there’s always another bill to gobble up whatever money came in.

As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, either way you will be right.”

Law of Attraction will prove you right. 

If you don’t believe there is such a thing as Law of Attraction, Law of Attraction will prove you right in that instance as well! 

That’s how it works. You have to understand that Law of Attraction grabs a hold of your thoughts which then start to build momentum and eventually the reality in our 3D form around us starts to follow suit.

But it starts with your thinking and your emotions. All of those gather momentum. So it’s not just at the physical level, it is at all these different levels of your being that Law of Attraction will grab a hold of things.

So, if you’re starting to resent your money, you need to understand that’s going to keep building momentum and that’s going to become a really strong pattern, and that pattern will also show up on the physical level in how you’re interpreting and interacting with the money in your life.

What I invite you to do is this:

Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz which will tell you whether your Money Habit Archetype – the way that you’re interacting with your money on the physical plane – whether it’s a Spender, Over-extender, or Accumulator pattern.=

Now, that is just the habit archetype. That is the presentation of how your relationship with money, the stories and the momentum you’ve got going in your thoughts that you’ve been thinking, which become the stories that you believe and you then live out.

That’s the physical representation of those thoughts and stories. 

Your Money Habit Archetype is how it shows up in your day to day interaction with money and how you handle your money.

The best part is that after you do the quiz, I can then email you some really powerful questions specific to your Money Habit Archetype that will help you start to unravel some of those stories so that you can break that pattern and get out of that cycle that says, “See, there’s never enough money,” and has you start to hate your money.

By unravelling those old stories it means you can break that old cycle and start to build a really beautiful new cycle, where instead of resenting your money, you start to love and appreciate your money and build positive momentum around that.

As you keep building that positive momentum, you keep seeing more evidence of how wonderful your money is, how supportive it is, how much of it you have in your life, and how it always shows up in the perfect ways, at the perfect time, and it’s there and it’s got your back. As you build positive momentum on that, your whole reality will change.

It starts by noticing that these patterns are there, starting to look into what is going on there, “What is this Money Habit Archetype? Why am I resenting my money?” and then digging deeper to unravel the old stories that have been perpetuating that pattern.

So hop to it! Do the quiz! I’d love to find out what your Money Habit Archetype is and then I’d love to hear what you got out of it after you dive deeper into the specific questions on what’s created that Money Habit Archetype for you – because that is where the absolute gold lies.

So please come back and share in the comments below because I’d love to hear about it!

Hop to it, do the quiz, do the questions. It’s going to give you so much amazing insight!

Until next time, keep embracing your beautiful and unlimited potential.


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and the belief system that’s driving it. Take the quiz:

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Clear your money blocks by paying attention to your money

Clear your money blocks by paying attention to your money

Are you avoiding paying bills, looking at bills or just getting your money sorted out in general?

Then you’re ignoring your money & I’m sorry to tell you – it’s not going to like it!

When you act like that, you’re disconnecting from your money – just as you would from any friend if you treated them like that. And if you’re wanting more money to come to you and stay awhile, that’s not a very smart approach…





Energetically it cuts you off from the vibration of money, because money is energy & what you focus on expands. So as you refuse to pay attention to money, you are starving your money flow of oxygen.

You throttle the flow.

As you start to give your money some attention again, the flow can come back to life.

There’s another beautiful side effect to paying attention to your money and that is that it empowers you. As you pay attention to your money and take charge again, your confidence will grow and that raises your vibration. And as your vibration raises, all good things automatically start to flow to you even faster – including money and all other forms of abundance!

So listen up as I explain:

  1. why money is energy and how you get to mould that energy
  2. what you need to do to increase that money flow into your life
  3. how YOU will change as a result of paying attention to your money


Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here:

How fear & doubt in business can keep you broke

How fear & doubt in business can keep you broke

Are you spending wayyyy too much money on your business?

Most entrepreneurs do.

They spend money on fancy websites before they’ve nailed their messages, blow money on business cards that get thrown in the bin when they change their branding (or hairstyle).

Not to mention all the marketing material and the courses that either aren’t needed, never get done or simply aren’t right for them.

If this has been you, don’t beat yourself up. You’re certainly not alone!

I know it’s not that you don’t know your priorities.

And I know it’s not because you suck with money.

The reason most entrepreneurs are overspenders has to do with a  very simple fact of what it MEANS to become an entrepreneur – to go into business for yourself and rely on nothing but your brains, skills & creativity to earn a living.

Today, I’m going to break it down for you and tell you how to break out of this costly cycle.

In today’s video:

  • the first stage of the entrepreneurial journey & what few people realize
  • why band-aid solutions get expensive
  • the trick to making an investment that pays unlimited & never-ending returns




Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here: