Why you’re not attracting money – even though you want more money

Why you’re not attracting money – even though you want more money

Today I’m going to tell you what NOT to focus on if you want to manifest money, so read on:

So you want to manifest more money, and I bet you’re focusing on money a whole lot!

Well, I’m here to tell you – stop it!

Stop focusing on money. 

That’s why you’re not manifesting more… why you’re not attracting more. 

That’s why the Universe thinks you do NOT want more money!

You’re actually blocking money by focusing on money. 

Does that seem weird to you? Well, let me explain:

At the moment, you really, really, really want to attract more money. 

What that means is that you’re not actually focusing on money, you’re focusing on the LACK of money. 

You’re focusing on lack, you’re focusing on not having money, and this magical universe that we live in, doesn’t hear words, it only hears feeling and vibration. 

Feeling and vibration is the language of the universe. So you may be screaming “More money please!” with your words, but the feeling behind that is lack.






That’s why you want to stop focusing on money because money is an issue right now. 

You’re focusing on the lack of it. Stop it. It just creates more of the same. 

You’re sending the message out to the universe that you don’t have enough money. You’re reinforcing that into your neural pathways and wiring in the “I don’t have enough money” pattern even deeper, and it’s just not helping.

What you want to do is you want to get off the topic of money and get on the vibration of money. 

How do you do that? 

Well, what is the vibration of money? 

As I said before vibration is a feeling. It’s the same thing.

When we have a feeling, we are in tune with a vibration. A feeling IS vibration, so the feeling of having lots of money isn’t “Oh my god, I don’t have enough! Hurry up and give me some universe!”

The feeling of having lots of money is a feeling of ABUNDANCE.

It’s a feeling of plenty, it’s the feeling where it just comes, it’s just there and you can pretty much take it for granted. 

At the moment, you simply can’t do that with money. And please don’t even try to pretend – the Universe won’t fall for it.

But you can do that with a whole lot of other stuff!

You can do that with all the things that you DO take for granted, that you DO have an abundance of in your life. 

Start focusing on them. 

Focus on the fact that the sun rises every single morning and you don’t have to do a single thing. Focus on the fact that there are birds flying around, there’s all this amazing nature, there’s sunshine, there are planets spinning in their orbit, the Earth’s gravitational field still works and you didn’t have to do anything. 

Just focus on the abundance of all those magical things around you, and how much of it there is that you can take for granted that actually takes care of you. 

The more general you go, the less likely you are to introduce resistance into that topic. 

Get on the vibration of abundance because there’s plenty of abundance all around you. 

And by default, you will actually be in the vibrational place where you are attractive again to money because money didn’t find you very attractive before. 

I hate to tell you, when you’re just screaming about the lack of it, money is going ‘I’d like us to be friends but right now… Meh. I’ll come back when you’re in a better mood’. 

Don’t do that to your money. 

Make yourself attractive. Make sure you smell good. Put on some nice clothes, pretty earrings and some lovely essential oils and make yourself attractive to money by being focused on and in the vibration of abundance. 

So what next?

Well I suggest you take my Money Habit Archetype quiz so you can find out your dominant money pattern & use it to clear your biggest money block.

If you’d like to attract more money, more easily, it’s a very handy thing to do next. 😊

You can jump in and do it now at www.miriamcastilla.com/quiz


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.


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How to manifest money fast by developing an abundance mindset
Click here: https://miriamcastilla.com/087

How to uncover your money beliefs
Click here: https://miriamcastilla.com/089

How to manifest money fast by developing an abundance mindset

How to manifest money fast by developing an abundance mindset

Let’s talk about how developing an abundance mindset helps you manifest money fast.

Along the way I’ll also be answering these questions for you: 

  • Can you really manifest money? 
  • What do you say to manifest money? 
  • How do you ask the universe for money? 
  • How can you manifest money fast?






So can you really manifest money? Well, the short answer is YES.

You’re always manifesting. Law of attraction is always on. There is no off switch so you’re manifesting all the time. 

You’re always manifesting something. 

When things show up in your life, that’s what manifesting means. It means something that used to exist just as an idea, suddenly becoming a real thing in your life. 

In fact, it even starts at a finer level than that. When you have the thought or the idea, that has also been manifested. 

Where did the idea come from? 

You also already have money showing up in your life, which means you’re already manifesting money. Every dollar and every cent that has shown up for you so far in your life has been manifested by you. You have brought it into experience. 

I don’t need to teach you how to manifest money because you’re already doing it. 

What I am going to share with you is how to do it deliberately by developing an abundance mindset. 

How can you manifest money fast? 

Well, I actually just did another video on manifesting money fast so go and check that out

But simply put, to manifest money fast you need to:

  1. Believe it’s possible
  2. Expect it
  3. Allow it

So what do you say to manifest money?

You can say “hocus pocus” if you really want to, but it honestly makes no difference whatsoever.

You can read every ‘How to manifest money fast’ guide that exists on the entire planet and it still might make no difference. 

Because what you say doesn’t matter one bit. 

What matters is what you think, feel and do. 

Your feeling state – your state of being – THAT is your vibration. 

That is the signal that goes out into the universe, and that the universe responds to. 

Like attracts like. 

Whatever signal you’re resonating, you’re going to get matching things back. 

So you really want that vibration/signal/message to say, ‘Woohoo! Abundance over here, plenty of money, feeling great, loving life, ready for more!’

This is what having an abundance mindset actually means. 

It means that you feel abundant now, you’re excited and happy with everything you already have in your life, and you’re totally open to and excited for more, but not desperate for it. 

So how to ask the Universe for money…

Well, as we’ve just said, the universe doesn’t hear you… it feels you. 

This is where I want to just very briefly mention an amazing effect from quantum physics called quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement basically says that every idea you’ve ever had, every thought you’ve ever had, that idea, that thing in the ether is now connected to you forever and ever and ever. 

Which means that if you’ve ever thought ‘Oh it would be nice to have this’, or ‘Wouldn’t that be lovely’, or ‘That looks good’, it’s already connected to you and you don’t need to ask for it again. 

So it’s critical to know that you don’t need to ask the universe for money, the universe heard you loud and clear. 

Every single time you’ve recited those affirmations, every single time you’ve written out those goals, it’s heard you over and over again and it’s probably going “Alright already, you’re giving me a headache.” 

So now you just need to stay in the room. You need to stay on that vibration so you can actually receive. You need to stay a match so the universe can bring you the thing that you’ve already ordered. 

There’s an analogy I like to use here with my students and it’s the restaurant analogy. 

So when you’re in a restaurant, you look through the menu, the waiter tells you the specials and then you choose the thing you want. You place that order and you let it go. The waiter goes to the kitchen, the kitchen knows what to do, and you get on with your day. 

But the key thing is that you have to stay in the restaurant if you want to receive the meal. 

The meal has been ordered. They know what you want, they have everything they need to make it happen, and they know where to find you… unless you leave the room. 

So stay on that vibration. Stay in the receiving mode so that the universe can bring you the thing that you already asked for a gazillion times already.

Remember that ‘receiving mode’ is that abundance mindset. It is being on that vibration of abundance. It is feeling abundant, feeling grateful, loving life and being ready and open to more without being desperate for it. 

That is how to manifest money fast by developing an abundance mindset. 

Are you ready to take the next step and make an abundance mindset your new normal so you can continue to manifest money fast and know that you never need to worry about money again? 

Then come join us in the Magnetic Money program. I’ve popped the link in the description for you so click that now to find out more.

Until I see you next, keep on embracing your amazing and unlimited potential.

Never Worry About Money Again.

Master your money mindset, money management & money manifesting with the Magnetic Money Program:

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How to align with more income so it manifests faster
Click here: https://miriamcastilla.com/081-align-with-more-income/

The trick to manifesting money fast that works every time
Click here: https://miriamcastilla.com/085-manifesting-money-fast/

The easiest way to save money – even when money feels tight

The easiest way to save money – even when money feels tight

If you’re somebody who would LIKE to save some money, has been told they SHOULD save money, and thinks that it would be NICE to have some to spare, then this tip is for you – so stick around!  

I’m going to tell you an easy way to save money – even when you feel like you have none to spare.






Here’s the thing, we all know that it’s really important to start saving some money and put it aside – whether it’s for investing or just for a buffer in case of emergency. 

And also to start creating some positive energy around money. 

But when you’re so broke that you just have nothing to spare… What do you do?

What’s an easy way to save money – something you can do even when you have barely any?

I’ll tell you what I did because I went through a stage where my total income for the year was $10,000, and my rent was $320 a week! 

If you do the maths, you can work out that that doesn’t actually stack up. 

To this day, I’m not quite sure how I got through it, but I did.. and this little tip helped a lot!

The bottom line is, I was broke and I was miserable. 

I was obsessed with how broke I was. It was all that was churning through my head, night and day. I was like a human calculator that couldn’t switch off. 

I realised that I needed to change. Not just my thinking and my energy, but also my habit pattern. 

I needed an easy way to save money.

I needed to get into a pattern of putting some money aside. And showing myself that I did have money to spare. 

I did a very simple thing, and you can do it too – no matter how broke you are.

Here it is:
When you go out to buy groceries or whatever it is, use cash. Use cash for everything, and only spend notes. 

What it’ll do is it will make you think twice about breaking that note. 

It also creates all this change which you can then save, and I promise you, you will not notice the difference. 

So I did this. I spent only notes, I kept all the change and I would bank it at the end of the month. 

The first month it was about $64 which was a fortune to me at that time. 

I had $64 to put into a dedicated savings account. It made me feel rich. 

This changed my energy around money. It changed my vibration around money, my thinking pattern around money and my habit pattern around money. 

This one little thing is so powerful – and you can do it too!

Let me know in the comments – have you ever tried this? What do you do to save when money feels tight?


Life Balance Pack

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Become more magnetic to money with this practical tip
Click here: https://miriamcastilla.com/083-magnetic-to-money/

How to manifest more money when money stops flowing
Click here: https://miriamcastilla.com/038-how-to-manifest-more-money/

The trick to manifesting money fast that works every time

The trick to manifesting money fast that works every time

Let’s talk about the trick to manifesting money fast that works every time. 

This is so counterintuitive to what most people think and do, that they get it all wrong. They screw it up. 

So they think that manifesting money fast just isn’t really possible. 

But you’re about to find out what it is and how it works, so stick around. 

If you’ve tried manifesting money before, you’ve probably noticed there’s a big difference between manifesting money and manifesting money fast

Let’s start by asking: Is manifesting money fast even possible?




Well, as far as the universe is concerned, anything is possible and everything is possible. 

Time is just a manmade illusion because all possibilities actually exist all at once. 

So yes, anything is possible… including manifesting money fast

You may be wondering, then why do people find it so hard? 

Well, it’s for the same reason that they asked the question in the first place – they believe it’s going to be hard. They believe it’s going to take a long time, especially when it comes to larger amounts of money. 

The universe always responds, you get what you expect. 

And so that’s the first key to manifesting money fast.

To actually believe it’s possible in the first place. 

Next, you not only need to believe it, but you need to demonstrate that you believe it. Get one better and actually demonstrate that you expect it

Think about it, when you expect something, you get ready. You take action, just as if you’re expecting a visitor to come and stay with you. You prepare, you get the guest room ready, you make sure they have clean linen, that they have fresh towels, you plan on what you’re going to do together and you make sure you’re actually home when they arrive. 

And you need to do the same with money. 

If you just believe it might be possible, and you’re sort of hopeful, but you really doubt that it will happen at all, then what you’ll do is you’ll sit back and wait and see what happens. 

What then happens is you end up in a stalemate with the universe where you’re waiting for it and it’s waiting for you.

You’re waiting for it to show you the money and it’s waiting for you to actually show up and prove that you expect it. 

So taking action that demonstrates that you actually really expect it to happen is incredibly powerful. 

That does not mean I want you to go out and sign a contract for a $5 million house or a new Ferrari. 

I want you to do everything that you can possibly do before the money has to show up. Every single thing that you would do if you knew without a shadow of a doubt that that money is going to arrive. 

Start by going for a test drive or going to some open inspections. Don’t just do it as some little token gesture – a little throw-away crumb to the universe so it can give you what you really want. 

Actually do it from that place of “the money’s coming, I’m getting ready.” 

Now that you actually believe it’s possible and you’re expecting it – or at least you’re pretending to for now – what next? 

Here it is, the thing you’ve been waiting for, the trick to manifesting money fast that works every time. 

This is where you need to let go. This is where you need to surrender and where you need to detach from the outcome. 

You really need to find a place within you, where whether it happens or not, there’ll be no disappointment. 

I know this is probably totally counterintuitive to you. It is for most people because most people think that they have to stay right on it – they have to write it and they have to make sure it happens. 

But when you’re doing that, you’re actually just getting in the way of the universe.

You’re micromanaging the universe. 

And what you’re really doing is you’re showing your expectation that it may not happen. You’re throwing a whole lot of resistance in the mix, and your vibration starts to turn towards “it’s not here and I really wanted to be here. So I’m going to make sure it comes because it’s not here. And have I mentioned that it’s not here??” 

So guess what do you then do? That’s right, you get in the way and block the flow. 

What we need to do here is get you distracted and busy with something else, so the universe can actually do its job. 

Ask yourself: If I knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was happening, that it was going to be coming… what would I do? What would I be busy doing? Would I be busy looking for it, watching for it, running to the letterbox over and over again? Or would I just get on with my day and know that it’ll show up? 

You might not be able to decide exactly the moment that it shows up but it’ll be there. 

And so you really need to get to that place of expectation, just as you do with the mail being delivered or the sun rising tomorrow. You just need to detach – it is not your work to figure out how to make it happen. 

You have a choice in how you behave, act, think, feel, what you do and every single moment… that determines what you get. 

But you do not have control over exactly how that all comes together, and exactly how and when it’ll drop into your lap. So that’s the kind of level of detachment you want to get to. You want to get to a ‘Yeah, of course, it’s totally coming and almost forgot it was coming because I’m so busy with everything else,’ state. 

This is the paradox of manifesting. Choice but not control. 

You can’t make it come fast, but you can allow it to come. 

The level to which you’re able to allow determines how fast that comes. 

This is what it means to live in a place where you don’t worry about money, where you just allow it to flow and that allows it to flow in ever-increasing amounts. 

This is exactly what we do in the Magnetic Money program. So if you’re ready for the next step – if you’re ready to embrace your unlimited potential and never worry about money again – then come join us in the Magnetic Money program. 

Let me know in the comments – WHICH of the keys I cover do you know you can improve upon? Which one challenges you? Where can you improve to help you start enjoying Law of Attraction success and be able to manifest money fast?

Until I see you next, remember it’s time for you to embrace your unlimited potential.

Never Worry About Money Again.

Master your money mindset, money management & money manifesting with the Magnetic Money Program:

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Techniques I use for manifesting money to grow my business
Click here: https://miriamcastilla.com/084-manifesting-money/

How to align with more income so it manifests faster
Click here: https://miriamcastilla.com/081-align-with-more-income/

Techniques I use for manifesting money to grow my business

Techniques I use for manifesting money to grow my business

In this blog, I’m going to share with you my three favourite techniques that I use for manifesting money to grow my business.

I’m also going to share three critical tips to help you gather momentum so that manifesting money isn’t just something you do, but it’s somebody you become.






If you’ve been hanging out with me for a while, it’ll probably come as no surprise that with these techniques, we’re going to cover the entire magnetic money trifecta – the way you feel, the way you think, and the things you do. This trifecta determines what you manifest, what your mindset around money is, and how you manage your money. 

After all, this is the key to manifesting money, growing your business and getting to a point where you no longer worry about money.

1. Keep an abundance journal

This one is all about how I feel, which helps me with manifesting more money to grow my business. 

What I do here is I focus on the abundance that I do have. 

One of the most critical elements in this journey is that you learn to train your focus, because your focus trains your vibration. Where your attention goes, your energy flows and what you focus on expands. And whatever you focus on trains your vibration.

If I’m focused on what’s going really well in my life, I’m going to feel really good – my vibration will lift. 

If I focus on what’s going really badly in my life, I’m going to feel quite sad and upset – my vibration will drop. 

So focusing on the abundance I do have helps me attract and manifest more money.

It trains my vibration to match the vibration of abundance, and ‘Like Attracts Like’. That’s what Law of Attraction is all about. 

The way that I do this is that I keep an abundance journal. 

At the end of every day, I write in it all the abundance that I got to experience that day – all the abundance that flowed into my life. 

It includes the ideas, inspiration, clients, experiences and money that I had come to me that day. 

It helps me realise how abundant my day really was. As I focus on that, it trains my vibration, and that gathers momentum and makes me magnetic to more. 

I also make sure that I notice and write down the progress that I made and all the tasks that I completed and achieved so that I can feel really good about what I’m doing in my business and what I’m doing in my life. 

I write down all the things that made me feel abundant that day. Just little things like how I got to go for a walk, that I played a game with my daughter or that we went shopping together. 

All these things, all these little snippets of abundance, they all go in that journal. 

This helps me to feel really satisfied and abundant, and I let that dominate my vibration. I let it dominate the way I feel about myself, my life and my business. 

As you do this regularly, you’ll notice that you begin doing it naturally throughout the day. You feel abundant as things happen, you start to notice and celebrate all the little snippets of abundance that are constantly flowing into your life, and it starts to become your new normal.

2. Track your income

This one is all about making sure that I keep noticing my thinking when it comes to my business and income. 

It can be really tricky because apparently we have up to 80,000 thoughts a day. 

But I have a hack for you: All you need to do is track your income. 

The way this looks for me is that every single morning I sit down with my cup of tea and my special notebook, and I track my income. I count all the money that flowed into my bank accounts over the previous 24 hours. 

What this is guaranteed to do is, it’s going to flush up any limiting beliefs, fears and money worries, really damn fast. This will allow you to deal with them. 

Later on, I’ll just sit down and journal anything that pops up, or I’ll use my Money Blockbuster System™. Or any other processes that we use in the Magnetic Money program to shift blocks and limiting beliefs. 

The key is to do this every single day, no excuses because the excuses are money blocks showing up. 

For example, if you catch yourself thinking that you didn’t really make any money in the last 24 hours, and are thinking, ‘What’s the point in sitting down with a notebook?Write that down!

3. Give every single dollar a job to do!

This technique is all about taking care of my money and giving every single dollar a job to do. 

I already track my income daily, and then once a week I allocate my money, split it all up and move it into my various buckets. 

That’s the practice that we do in the Magnetic Money Program. 

Every bucket represents a purpose of money, and every single dollar gets a job to do. This helps you keep your wealth creation on track and ensures that you maintain financial stability. 

It also helps you feel in control and really connected to your money, and that builds confidence. 

Then the other thing that I do is that every couple of weeks, I’ll have a money date with Martin where we sit down, review our money goals and our strategy, and we celebrate our progress. 

I do other things too, but if I have to break it down, these are the three that really make a difference. As I mentioned, each of these represents one of the cornerstones of the magnetic money trifecta.

The key to ensuring you get traction and that you build momentum so you can be manifesting income to grow your business is: 

  • Don’t make this a once-off or ‘sometimes’ process, but an ongoing process. This ensures that you keep that wheel and trifecta spinning, and all the paths supporting one another so that you gather and build momentum. 
  • Know that this gets easier and much more natural over time until it just becomes your new normal. 
  • Make sure that you’re always checking in on all three cornerstones of the magnetic money trifecta. 

This is when manifesting money isn’t just something you do, but it is somebody that you become. 

This is when you become a whole new version of you – the abundant version of you. 

The version of you who knows there’s always plenty of money and is always attracting more money in because you’re consistently tapping into Law of Attraction to build momentum. This means that money can keep flowing in ever-increasing amounts. 

The version of you who clears their money blocks easily and routinely as you go, so that the journey is smooth and easy, and you stop pushing money away all the time. 

The version of you who feels confident and in control of your finances, so you never worry about money again. 

If you’re ready to take this journey with me as your money mentor, then come join us in the Magnetic Money program, because it’s time for you to take that next step and embrace your unlimited potential so you never worry about money again > www.miriamcastilla.com/magnetic-money

Never Worry About Money Again.

Master your money mindset, money management & money manifesting with the Magnetic Money Program:

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Ready to go deeper?


Say goodbye to money blocks the quick & easy way:

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How to align with more income so it manifests faster
Click here: https://miriamcastilla.com/081-align-with-more-income/

Become more magnetic to money with this practical tip
Click here: https://miriamcastilla.com/083-magnetic-to-money/