How to uncover your money beliefs

How to uncover your money beliefs

Today I’m going to share with you one of the simplest ways to uncover your money beliefs that are stopping you from attracting the money you want.


Do you have a feeling that maybe there’s something going on under the hood that is causing money to be an issue in your life?

Have you already got money coming into your life but it seems to disappear again as quickly as it arrives, or money still feels like an issue – even though you actually have plenty?

Then you’re probably starting to realise that there’s some hidden money beliefs at the unconscious level that somehow somewhere there’s something sabotaging your relationship with money. 


The thing is that 98% of everything we think, do, feel and say, is pretty much unconscious.

It’s just automatic habit patterns that are running the show and you’re busy getting on with your day thinking you’re in charge, but really, you’re only consciously in charge of about 2% of what goes on in your life. 




So if those unconscious habit patterns of thought, of feeling, of relating to money, of the way you approach life and what you are actually open to seeing in terms of opportunities, and ideas are not helpful and in alignment with how you do want your money relationship to be, then it’s time to look under the hood.

It’s time to uncover your money beliefs.

Because all that stuff is going on at the unconscious level, that’s where we want to go to start figuring out what’s going on and to start changing it. There’s no point smashing away at the conscious level, if your unconscious is just busily getting on with the same old, same old – it’ll just wear you out and frustrate you. 

All you need to do is use your unconscious mind to help you because it already has the answers. 

It knows what it’s doing. It knows what’s going on. And here’s the thing about your unconscious mind, it’s kind of like Google on steroids. It loves being asked the question, so all you need to do is ask it a question and it will go away, search and find all the answers, catalogue them, put them all together for you in a nice little pretty bullet point format and put a little bow on top. 

And the moment that you are in the right frame of mind to receive that information, it’ll pop up. 

It will go to work for you and help you uncover your money beliefs – the good, the bad & the ugly.

What do I mean by being in the right frame of mind? Well, you know how sometimes you lose your car keys or you can’t remember where you put them and you try and try and try to remember but you can’t? 

Well you’re in the wrong frame of mind to receive the information because you’re focused on what’s not there…

You’re focused on the problem.

But then two hours later, you’re in the shower washing your hair, and suddenly you go, “That’s right, I put them in the kitchen in the cupboard when I was getting the tea out,” and you remember because you’re suddenly in the right frame of mind and open to receiving information so your unconscious says, “Oh finally, there’s a crack,” and pushes the information through. 

That’s all you need to do. 

Ask really good questions such as “I wonder what I would need to believe to be creating this situation over and over again. And I wonder where that belief came from?”


Ask those sorts of questions and you can uncover your money beliefs. 


And when the answers come, it actually allows you to start unravelling some of that old patterning and some of those old stories that you’re telling yourself. 

One of the easiest ways to get in the right frame of mind to receive the answers is to get on the vibration of abundance, where you’re no longer focusing on that money as an issue.

To help you do that, I have this really great abundance vibration audio. It’s a hypnotic meditation to get you in alignment with the vibration of abundance, which is a good thing no matter what you’re doing. And you can grab it for free just by following this link:

If you want to uncover your money beliefs that are creating money blocks and stopping you from fully tapping into Law of Attraction, then I highly recommend you check out my Money Block Buster System™ here:

So go grab yourself that, ask lots of good questions, and let’s uncover your money beliefs that are stopping you from having the relationship with money that you really deserve and want to have. 

And until I see you next time, keep embracing your unlimited potential.

Ready to go deeper?


Say goodbye to money blocks the quick & easy way:

Money Block Buster System image


Download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Abundance Manifesting Meditation here:

Manifesting Meditation Image

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mindset shifts to attract 6-figures image
How to hit 6-figures in your business image

5 mindset shift to help you attract a 6-figure income in your business.
Click here:

How to hit 6-figures in your business – even if you have money blocks
Click here:

Become more magnetic to money with this practical tip

Become more magnetic to money with this practical tip

Today I want to share a really simple trick that will help you become more magnetic to money and put you in the driver’s seat when it comes to money. 

This will also help you feel more empowered around your money.

A lot of people track their income, and you might be one. 

But do you track your expenses?

And yes, I know that at the end of the financial year, you can look back at your expenses, or you can refer to your bank account, but do you actually track your spending as you go? 


What’s more, I would challenge you to not just do that, but to do it on PAPER, because THAT is what makes you more magnetic to money.






When you track your spending on paper, you’re basically spending on paper, and it’s a really powerful thing. There is so much that comes out of it.

Here are a few reasons why this is totally worth your while doing:

The first reason for this is that when you actually have to write down every single thing you spend – and I’m not just talking business expenses, I’m talking personal expenses, coffees, lunches, magazines, that extra pair of earrings, that pair of shoes that you snuck past your husband and got rid of the box before he got home. I’m talking about all of that, right? 

When you have to write it down in your little pocket notebook, then you think twice about it. 

It makes you automatically self-correct in the actual act of spending – you make more deliberate choices in the day to day moments. 

So particularly if you’re somebody who’s a little bit impulsive or just whips out the card and uses the payWave function everywhere you go, then this is going to really make a difference. 

Because you know what? Even if you’re just lazy enough to get out the pocketbook afterwards – and that makes you spend a little bit less money – that’s a really good thing. 

The second reason why this is really powerful, is that you can then actually add that all up, project it for your annual expense on each individual item, and you can see, ‘How much do I spend each year on just the odd cup of coffee? How much do I spend each year on clothes? How much do I spend each year on entertainment? How much do I spend each year even on groceries?’ 

And then you can make some really empowering decisions and choices. 

Because I promise you that when you look at that and you look and see that you are spending the equivalent of $7,000 per year on just coffees and having your favourite Italian sweet – which some of us love – and it adds up to thousands a year, that’s going to make you sit back and think.

And then you can make some really empowering choices. You can actually say, ‘Okay, I still want to have that thing. I still want to enjoy that thing. But I’m not willing to pay that price for that pleasure and that joy. So here’s the price I am willing to pay for that pleasure and joy.’

And then you break it down, and you work out what your weekly budget is for all those extra beautiful little luxury things. 

When you do it like that, you’re coming from a place of power, not a place of lack. 

You’re taking control of your money. And you know what? Your money loves it when you take control of it. So when you take control of your money, it just feels good – you’re in control, you’re in charge, and when you run out of that little bit of extra pocket money for those special luxury items, you can actually sit back and go, ‘Cool. I know that I’ve hit my limit, I know that when I stop now, it actually gives me all this extra free available disposable income that I can use to pay off credit cards, to save for a holiday’ – to do anything you choose. 

By planning, you actually get to be excited. You get to be excited about what it is you’re doing with your money. And there’s a lot of power in that, not just from a practical level, but also from that magical vibrational level, because I’m all about blending and marrying the practical with the magical. 

This practical stuff is what makes you more magnetic to money.

And that’s when you can step into your power and you can straddle the best of both worlds. And it’s incredible, baby. 

So if you’d like a very helpful tool to help you with that, you’ll find it in the description below.

Until next time, stay happy!

The tracker is getting a facelift right now, so for the time being, I recommend you get stuck into my juicy Abundance Manifesting training:


Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here:

The channel for manifestation

The channel for manifestation

Let’s talk about the most critical element in the process of manifestation… and that my dear, is YOU. 

You are the channel for the manifestation – you are the channel that allows your goal to manifest. 

Think about it this way: First of all, you are the channel for the idea of the goal that you want to manifest. You literally channelled and downloaded that idea. It came from the ether, it came from the field of infinite possibilities. The possibility exists, and it found you and it came through the channel that you are – it became this idea. 

You have already manifested the idea – you have already linked yourself to the outcome. 

Now you get to choose whether you want to be the channel to actually manifest it into physical form. Because it’s already an idea, and now there’s a process of manifestation that happens from here where it goes from that first more ethereal form of a thought and an idea, to a tangible, solid 3D reality that you can touch, feel, and spend. 

So how does that happen?






Well, again, you need to remain the perfect channel so that it can come into your experience. Ask yourself for a moment, are you a good channel for your manifestation? If it’s your first 6-figure year in business, if it’s your first $10,000 month in business, whatever it is – it might not even be a money goal, but whatever that thing is – are you a clear channel for it? Are you able to download it, action it and bring it into form? 

Or is your channel clogged? Is your channel full of doubts, limiting beliefs, fear and worry? 

Because all of those things clog your channel. 

So if you’re feeling resistance to allowing your manifestation to being the channel for it, then realise that it cannot manifest. And if you’re frustrated about the lack of manifestation in your life, then ask yourself, ‘Am I actually being a clear channel?’ 

Because it is all up to you. Once you’ve had the idea – once you have been signed up as the channel and been chosen as the channel – know that you chose that idea and the idea chose you. 

So you need to remain that open channel and allow it to take the next level of manifestation and the next level of manifestation. 

And things like doubt, fear and worry will clog up your channel and stop it from coming. 

So if you have been feeling frustrated that things aren’t manifesting, then look at the channel. Is it a clear channel? Or do you have some cleaning up to do? 

And as you clean up the channel, you allow the process to unfold in more effortless, easier ways, and then your manifestation can become that 3D physical reality version of itself. 

Now if you’d like some help with unclogging your channel, then check out today’s freebie because it’s designed to help you do that and to help you get started right now.

Until I see you next, remember that you are the channel and keep on embracing the unlimited potential that channel hooks you up to.

Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.


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Is the Universe testing me?

Is the Universe testing me?

Okay, this one should come with a warning label because I’m about to have a rant.

I’m sick of it. I’m so sick and tired of seeing and hearing women giving away their power.

The women I work with who are generally in business for themselves (which is the biggest personal development journey you can ever take yourself on) are aware of their power. 

They’re aware that we are the creators of our lives and that we live in this intelligent universe that responds to us through our thoughts, words and actions, emanating out as this signal that then has a feedback reaction happening. 

But here’s what I keep seeing over and over again. 

I keep seeing women – and I’m sure men do it too – saying, “The universe is testing me. The universe is sending me a message.” They think that the universe “tests” them, that the universe sends them secret little messages, and that the universe judges them… and I’m sick of it!

The universe does not test you, it does not judge you, and it does not send you secret messages. 

The universe is IMPARTIAL.

In fact, the universe isn’t a person, a thing, or a separate intelligence to you.

You. Are. The. Universe. YOU are the Universe.






It doesn’t judge and it doesn’t test, but YOU do. YOU second guess, YOU judge, and YOU put the hurdles in your way.

The universe is simply a matrix of intelligence that responds to your signal, and you’re the one who gets to choose what your signal is. 

The universe doesn’t actually get to choose how to respond to you. It responds to you only in one way – by feeding back to you what you are putting out. That is all it does!

It doesn’t modify the signal, it doesn’t say “Oooh, she’s not ready for this yet, let’s send back something different”, or “Let’s send a little test pattern first and see how she goes”, or “Oh God, she’s not ready for that yet. Who does she think she is?” 

The universe doesn’t do ANY of those things. The universe doesn’t get to judge. YOU get to judge, and you keep doing it!

You keep blaming the universe and giving away your power!

At the end of the day, the only person who has the power to create your reality is YOU and I’m here to say, “Step up and own it!”

You can’t have it both ways. 

You can’t say, “Oh yes, I want to manifest and create my reality, but the universe keeps judging and testing me.” 

Enough already! 

You are the universe! Step into it, own your power, I’m sick of it and I’m going to end this blog right there.

Just do it, and keep embracing your unlimited potential! Come on, baby, you can do it!

Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here:


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How to align with more income so it manifests faster

How to align with more income so it manifests faster

Let’s talk about how to align with and manifest more income. 

And in fact, let’s really drill down and talk about what it is that this alignment actually means because a lot of the time you’ll just be told, ‘Oh just align yourself with it’ and you might be thinking, ‘Okay, but how do I do that?‘ 

Manifesting things into form – from the unseen into the seen, into the physical reality – happens as a result of energetic alignment. 

So, first of all… what is this alignment?

Well, we live in this vibrational universe where everything is energy, where everything has a frequency and different things have different frequencies, including your thoughts, your feelings, and what I call your state of being – that whole sum of all that you are. 

You have this vibration signature – a certain frequency that is emanating out from you into the quantum field, into the cosmos so in every single moment you are in alignment with something, it just may not be the thing that you’re after. 

You’re always in alignment with something because you always have an energetic signature, a frequency that you’re sending out into the universe that says, ‘There you are, that’s exactly the frequency you’re on right now and that is what you’re in alignment with’. 

Usually, when we use the word ‘alignment’, we talk about alignment with the good stuff – the high income with lots of abundance and all things going well. 

But the truth is, you’re in alignment with something all of the time. You’re always manifesting – you cannot turn it off. 





Manifesting happens as a result of alignment, which means that whatever is in your experience right now – whatever’s in the world around you physically and tangibly – has happened as a result of your alignment with that outcome. 

It shows you where your vibrational signature – your frequency – has been at. 

So, the other side of it is that whatever you tend to be in alignment with most of the time will gather momentum, and as it gathers momentum, you get more and more and more of it. 

And then of course, as you observe it, it trains your vibration – your frequency – more, because you’re paying attention to it, so you’re going ‘Oh well, this is how it is. This is what’s showing up for me – good, bad, indifferent. This is my reality.’ 

So again, your attention is there, your feelings are matching it, your thoughts are matching it, it gathers momentum, it builds and builds and builds, and that’s the law of attraction coming in, but it’s also how your brain works. 

So it becomes more stable, which is why it can feel so hard to budge our current state of affairs because it’s your current reality that you have built incredible stability of alignment with. Your alignment is so strong and your momentum is so powerful and fast, because the law of attraction is always bringing you more and more and more, and therefore there’s more and more and more evidence. 

So your thoughts and your feelings and your actions are all revolving around it, so it feels really stable and real. 

But what it’s actually doing, is it’s just manifesting over and over again really quickly because the law of attraction has grabbed a hold of it. 

The key is that you need to start figuring this out and realising that you are aligning with something all of the time. You can’t stop it, you can’t change it. So your work is to make sure you’re aligning with things that feel good, because if you feel good right now, what is in alignment with that and what will come back to you and is attracted to you, will also feel good. 

And as you can keep in that state, as you can stay on that frequency and that vibration – that builds momentum. 

So it’s a matter of practising and being in a good feeling state, because lots more abundance – more money, more opportunities, more amazing clients, more good things happening in your life, in your business – feels great, right? 

And feeling great comes from feeling good over and over and over again and allowing it to build momentum. 

So my tip for you is don’t go straight for trying to feel great out of zero, just go for feeling a little bit better, and then a little bit better and a little bit better, and know that the law of attraction will come to your aid and will help you build momentum on that. 

So if, for example, it’s wanting to manifest a 6-figure income in your business that you’re after, have a think about what that actually feels like, not from where you are now where you don’t have it (if you don’t), but from the inside – from that place on the other side where you are actually the one who just has that as normal, everyday reality. 

What does that feel like? 

And I can promise you, it feels good, but it doesn’t necessarily feel like every morning you get up and you punch the air and you go, ‘Oh my God, I’ve got a 6-figure income! It’s so cool. It’s so great. Oh my god, I can’t believe this happened!’ 

I mean, you do that for maybe the first week, and then you go, ‘It’s just normal, and it feels good and I feel proud of myself. And I feel like I’m creating financial stability for my family, and I feel really accomplished. And I’m not really thinking or worrying about money, I’m just looking forward to good things that are happening. I’m really excited about the things that are happening in my business and the things that I’m doing and it just feels good.’ 

So that is the state of alignment that you want to achieve. That is the vibration that is the feeling because that’s what vibration is – it’s a feeling that’s the one you want to practise. You translate vibration as a feeling, also as sight and sound and all the rest of it, but your predominant vibration that is sent out to the universe, that is a feeling. 

So notice how you’re feeling, and just feel a little bit better and a little bit better and a little bit better. 

And that is how you align with the extra income, the extra abundance, the extra great things that you want to attract into your life. 

If you’d like a little bit more assistance with that, I have a really great free training that you can jump on right now. The link is just below, so click on through. I’ll see you over there. 

Until next time, keep on embracing your amazing and unlimited potential.

Grab the free 3 Steps to Manifesting a 6-Figure Income Training here: