You can manifest anything you want – if you DO THIS!
You can manifest anything you want – provided you can create momentum & reach critical mass based on the consistent choices you make.
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Manifesting your desires and dreams into reality is not just about setting goals and visualizing them.
It involves doing the inner work necessary to reach a critical mass where that new reality becomes your normal, everyday INTERNAL STATE.
Achieving critical mass takes a consistent effort of aligning with the person you want to become and tapping into the power of momentum to help you tip over so that new reality becomes the NEW YOU.
It means constantly and consistently making choices that serve you – focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, while letting go of negative self-doubt and limiting beliefs – so that momentum can build, which helps you get to critical mass faster.
So if you’re not getting the results you want in your business or personal life, it might be because you’re waiting for permission from external sources.
And this stops you from achieving the 3 key factors to achieving any new goal:
- Critical mass
- Inner transformation
- Momentum
Let’s break it down:
1.Critical mass
To become a new version of yourself who can achieve new things, you need to reach a certain level of consistent behavior and mindset.
It takes more than just writing down goals, creating a vision board and reciting a few affirmations.
You need to do the work internally and continually shift your state of being to align with that more abundant version of yourself.
This requires you to be brutally honest with yourself and make the effort to feel a little bit better – a little more abundant – a little more aligned – each & every day until this ‘new you’ becomes your natural state.
Until you BECOME her.
2. Inner work
There is a process required of shifting your state of being and aligning with the version of yourself you want to become.
This involves choosing to go to a better feeling place where you can imagine and FEEL yourself enjoying your desired outcome.
This is a choice you need to make over and over and over again – regardless of external circumstances. Inner work is a lifelong commitment, and as you continually do it, you will reach critical mass and start to grow & evolve, faster & faster.
3. Momentum
This is the third factor in achieving that tipping point.
Momentum comes as a result of consistently making the right choices and building positive energy.
If you make positive choices, you build positive momentum, and you reach critical mass faster.
However, if you keep making negative choices, you build negative momentum, and it becomes increasingly difficult to pull yourself out of that and make positive choices.
To reach critical mass so you can tip over & become that NEW YOU, it’s essential to make positive choices as often as possible. To feel good – and then a little better and a little better – over & over & over again so you can build positive momentum.
That’s how this process becomes easier.
But it starts with a decision & the willingness to shift your internal state – the way you FEEL – to a better, higher vibing place – again & again.
It’s about choosing to feel good – and always looking for ways to feel even better – regardless of external circumstances.
Once positive momentum builds, it will get so much easier.
And eventually that positive momentum, assisted by those continual choices to shift your vibration to a higher state, will help you achieve critical mass and reach that tipping point.
And that is when that manifestation can finally pop – seemingly out of nowhere!