Going BEYOND money is the key to manifesting more money

Going BEYOND money is the key to manifesting more money

Now, I’m just going to come right out and say it and tell you: It’s not about the money.

Stop making it about the money – especially if you’d like some more money, you need to stop. You just need to stop making it about the money because it’s honestly not.

Let me explain a little bit more.





You want some more money. I get it. We all live in the same material world and money is important. And when this feeling of not enough or “I’d really like some more and I’ve worked really hard to get to the next level” kicks in, it can become a bit of a thorn in your side.

It can feel frustrating, and you can get a little bit obsessive about it.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with money.

Money is fantastic.
Money is wonderful.
Money allows you to spread abundance throughout the world even more.

I love money.

But the thing is: The more you obsess about trying to get some more money, the harder you’re making it for yourself.

Because it’s really not about the money.

So take a step back and let me ask you: why do you want the money?

And you’ll tell me things like:

“I want to retire my husband.”
“Buy my dreamhouse.”
“I want to travel the world.”
“I want to start a foundation.”
“I want to run retreats.”
“I want to start a charity.”

There’s something there that you want the money for, right?

You don’t want the money just for the sake of the money. There’s something you want to DO with the money.

And the reason you want to do those things with the money is because of the way that you want to FEEL at the end of the day.

You want to feel the freedom.
You want to feel the ability to make choices… the ability to choose to spend your days however you like.
You want to feel that lightness, right?
You want to feel that joy… that happiness.
You want to be able to do whatever the hell you want to do without having to ask permission or look at your bank account or have to hustle even harder.
You want the freedom to do whatever it is you want to do in this life and to fully express yourself… to become the most abundant version of you.

So what you’re looking for is an abundance… a spiritual abundance. And the feeling of joy and happiness… of all these higher emotions. 

That’s what you’re really after.

Now, while you keep making it about the money, you’re really narrowing down your ability to call into your experience the things that you’re looking for.

Because the things you’re ultimately looking for have not much to do with money.

But you think that money is a necessary stepping stone along the way.

And so you’re kind of micro-focusing down on the money, thinking, “Well, if I don’t get the money, then I can’t have the other things.”

Rather than focusing on the end result that you actually want which is that joy… that happiness… those feelings of freedom and abundance.

And those feelings, they’re actually already available to you.

And what I see so many people do, is they realise that the feelings they’re after ultimately are available to them at some level, but they refuse to go there.

They won’t let themselves feel good.
They won’t let themselves feel abundant.
They won’t let themselves feel free and joyful.

Because they think, “Well, if I feel that now, then I won’t need the money. And then I might not ever get it. So if I don’t end up getting the money, then…”

Hang on.

You’ll feel joyful, free and abundant.

And HOW is that a problem???
Right…? Can you see where I’m going here?

If you can already feel that way, without needing the money to make it happen, then why wouldn’t you allow yourself to feel that way right now?

Because the reason you want the money is to get more of those feelings into your life.

When you’re holding yourself back and going, “No, I won’t allow myself to feel that way.

I’ll instead choose to feel worry and doubt and fear and be hard on myself that I haven’t worked hard enough and I haven’t nailed this manifesting thing yet and the Universe seems to deliver for everybody else except for me.”

While you stay stuck in that place…. you’re never going to be able to attract any of those things you’re looking for – least of all, the money!

Because the money is just one of the ways that what you’re ultimately after can come about.

And when you align energetically with the ultimate end result…
when you see it and believe it to be possible…
when you act like somebody who expects it to happen,
THAT’S when it can actually happen!!

And that’s when all the things you need to allow it to happen – including the money (or maybe there are other ways it can happen that don’t even involve money that you’ve not even considered) – that’s when all those things can actually happen.

So, the only way you’re ever going to get the money is by forgetting about it for a little while and focus beyond the money… on what you actually want the money for.

Because ultimately, it’s really not about the money anyway; it’s about feelings of ABUNDANCE. It’s about feelings of expansion.

It’s about feelings of being deserving, worthy and finally embracing everything that you know that’s been waiting for you… that the Universe had in store for you all along.

That’s what you’re really after, and you can have that right now.

And I’m telling you that as long as you keep denying yourself having that, you’re actually stopping not just that end result and that feeling you’re after (which is crazy when you think about it), you’re also stopping the money from coming.

So just leave it alone already!

Stop obsessing about the money; it’s not about the money. And start focusing all your energy… all your awareness on those ultimate end results you’re really after which is the happiness, the joy, the abundance, the expansion… that feeling of spiritual abundance… of fulfilment.

And when you do that, I promise you, the money and anything else you need to make it happen will come.

Now, if you’d like some help with that, I have linked in the description to this video one of my free resources that will help you take the next step.

So that you can stay focused on the vibration of abundance which will allow all the things that you desire and ones you’d never even dare to dream of to come into your experience.

Because true abundance… true wealth is an inside job.

It’s about feeling abundant and for your soul to be overflowing with all the goodness that the Universe has available for you to experience.

It’s incredible.

And that’s what I want for you most of all.


Why manifesting money is hard

Why manifesting money is hard

If you’ve been wondering why is it that you can manifest all sorts of cool stuff except for money, then this one is for you.

So, why is money different? Why is money hard?

Why is it though you can manifest beautiful car parks, or maybe you can win competitions or even holidays, or you can manifest the right man or woman of your dreams, but when it comes to money, it’s different. It’s hard.

Money doesn’t want to show up.
Money doesn’t want to flow.
And the harder you try, the worse it seems to get.

Well, I’m here to tell you the truth and the truth may sting.

But trust me, this is for your own good.

The reason that money is different and hard is because you’re making it so.





You decided at some point that money is different and money is hard. And this Universe is simply a reflection of your belief system… of your vibrational set-point. It will reflect back to you everything you believe to be true… everything you’re putting into it.

Because, really, all this Universe is an ocean of motion… an energetic soup. And you’re a part of that.

Your energy is constantly flowing out – transmitting out to the field – and then by law of resonance and law of attraction, you get matching things coming back to you.

Your vibration, as much as you think, “I want money.” You actually mean “I want money. Give me the money!”

What it actually is is:
“Why is money hard?”
“Money is different.”
“Money is still not showing up. It didn’t show up last time; I hope it shows up this time.”
“It better bloody show up this time.”
“Oh my god! It still hasn’t shown up yet.”
“There’s no money.”
“Money is hard.”
“Money is not showing up.”
“Why is money so different and so hard?”

That’s the vibration that you’re really sending out.

And so the Universe mirrors and echoes it back to you. It’s just an echo coming back to you.

That’s what your current financial situation is all about. It’s an echo of the vibration you’ve sent out into the field.

And I know this can be a little bit hard to swallow.

I’ve had to have moments where I need to sit down and go, “Yup.”
Really, the only person that you can blame or hold accountable is the person in the mirror.

This is not always what we want to hear when we’re not getting what we want.

But it is the truth.

And the reason that this keeps happening is because you probably have a tendency – like most humans – to reference what you expect to get in the future from what has happened in the past.

We’re surrounded by people – like our parents – who have been programmed into, “You’ve got to work hard for money.”
“Don’t ask for more than your fair share.”
“You don’t deserve that yet; you haven’t worked hard enough.”

All this sort of stuff.

“Don’t be greedy now.”

All these kinds of messages program us to believe that money is different and money is hard.

So every time you’re referencing the past, you’re driving looking at the rearview mirror thinking it’s your windshield.

What that means is that you end up in the same place over and over and over again. 

You’re using your past experience to create your future. 

It’s happening because you’re unconsciously in a habit of believing that the past is the truth. And by believing that the past is the truth, you make it your future.

But the truth is whatever you choose to make it.

The truth is whatever you choose it to be.

So, what you actually need to do is to make a decision that you will stop referencing your present and your future by the past because money doesn’t have memory. 

Energy doesn’t have memory; it just responds in the moment.

This law of vibration… law of resonance… it’s a moment by moment proposition.

So, whatever happened in the past, it’s totally irrelevant… unless you choose to remember it. Because then, you’re making it your current vibration which creates your future reality.

So you need to make that decision to draw a line in the sand and stop referencing everything you believe to be true by past experience because all it does is recreate it.

Draw a line in the sand and choose to start a fresh slate right now.

Wipe the slate clean. Start fresh. See what’s possible.

This can be challenging. It can be confronting.

And it does mean that if you’re not surrounded by the right kind of people it is difficult because this programming is all around us.

Most people aren’t even aware that they’re constantly repeating it. And so, people are running around the whole time programming and reprogramming one another into these old patterns… into these old belief systems.

So it’s really important that you get yourself a powerful community that gets it… that understands what you’re all about and that goes, “Yup. Even though this might be happening now, this is happening because of my past vibration and it’s totally irrelevant.”

The only thing that matters is what you choose now.
What you choose to think, believe… how you choose to speak and act right now in this moment. Because this moment is your moment of power where you create your future.

So, the reason that money is hard and is different has been (up until now) is because – up until now –  you chose to believe so.

Because up until now, you chose to reference everything by the past and by what you heard from other people.

And all you need to do to shift that is to stop referencing what you believe to be true about money based on the past experience and wipe the slate clean.

You can totally do this.

Surround yourself with the right people. Get some support. I’ve popped a link in the description to one of my free resources to help you with that… to help you stay on track.

So please grab that.

Find yourself an amazing community of like-minded women like my Manifesting Circle Facebook Group and make sure you immerse yourself deeply into an environment that will help you to wipe the slate clean every single day.

Because right now, you’re creating your future.

I’m going to leave it right there. You know what to do. The link is in the description.


Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here:

How to manifest with visualisation

How to manifest with visualisation

Okay, so you’ve been told that you should visualise.

You’ve been told that you should create a vision board and then sit with your eyes shut for 4-5 minutes a day and daydream about all the things you’d like in your life.

And like most people, you probably think that’s because the things that you visualise – the things that you put on your vision board – they’re the things that you’ll then, somehow, manage to drag into your experience.

But that’s actually not what it does.





Yes, it does help reprogram your unconscious mind.

Yes, it does help program your reticular activating system so that you’re aware of things that match what you desire when they come into your experience. So that as you’re going through life, you’re going, “Oh, good idea!”

You’ll see things that you didn’t see before.

Because you’ve programmed your unconscious to say, “It’s now important to me.”

And so yes, it does all of that and that’s powerful.

But what it also helps you do is it helps you raise your vibration.

And really, that is the one key thing that you’ve got to get good at consistently. Not just every now and then when you remember or when things work out the way you want them to. But to consistently keep yourself in that good-feeling place.

Because that is the language of the Universe.

That is how all the things that match can come into your experience.

And that is how you keep yourself open to the possibilities… to all the things that are required in order for you to have those things.

So it’s not a shopping list. It’s not about, “I want this car thing. I want this holiday thing. I want to check-in to that resort.”

It’s not about that at all.’

In fact, if that’s what you do, you’re being counter-productive.

It’s about ‘these sorts of things’ because I like the way they feel.

It’s really just pitching some ideas to the Universe and going, “You know, this sort of thing would be really cool. Or something that feels that way.”

It’s about giving you an opportunity to get excited about all the things that are possible which, as I said, raises your vibration.

And as you do that more frequently, you get used to it. You get used to living in a better-feeling place. You get used to feeling good more of the time.

I know…. We do. We have to train ourselves. We all have this set point of how we tend to feel most of the time.

Some people they are just quite low.

But that doesn’t mean you’re stuck there. You can do things that raise your set point. And then raise it again and again.

And the more you do, the more you open up to the possibilities.

So, visualisation is just about getting excited, raising your vibe, and pitching you ideas to the Universe.

If you like all of that, I’ve got a nice little freebie for you.

It’s access to my library of hypnotic meditations.

If you click the link in the description, you’ll get access to the lot and you can program your unconscious mind and the Universe to bring you what you want.

So make sure you use them and take full advantage.

I’ll see you next time.


Want to manifest more abundance in your business & life - CONSISTENTLY?

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What’s stopping the money from flowing is never about money

What’s stopping the money from flowing is never about money

If you’ve been frustrated that money just isn’t flowing to you and you’re trying to work out what the hell is going on, then this is something really important for you to get your head around.

And that is that the thing that’s stopping the money from flowing, is never about the money. 

It is never about the money because money is just a symbol. Money is a symbol of all sorts of things in our society, but most importantly it is a symbol of value and worth. We literally say, “Do you know what she’s worth? Do you know what he’s worth?”

So we’ve managed to link money up to self-worth, our worthiness, our deservingness, our value. 

That is where the problem comes in, because when there are issues around feeling deserving, feeling valuable, feeling worthy of having lots of good things coming to you and being taken care of and knowing that it just keeps flowing and that everything’s totally fine, many people – you probably included – have some stuff going on at the unconscious level that’s just not a match to that.

It often comes back to benign seeming things in early childhood – or maybe not so benign – that created some sort of limiting belief.





Whether it was some decision made that, “Ah, I’m not good enough to have what I made,” or, “I’m not allowed to speak up because others will judge me,” or, “There’s never enough to go around and it’s greedy to ask for more than my share.” These kinds of limiting beliefs often come from seemingly innocent things in early childhood and usually just parents who are ignorant of the impact they’re making with their statements and their actions.

But then what happens is that you take it on and, literally, in your nervous system you start a little daisy chain of a pattern that reinforces that belief, that decision that was made somewhere back early on. Then every time something similar happens in your life and your experience, it reinforces it. It’s like, “See? It’s true! See? There’s something else! See? There’s MORE evidence!” 

And as you know, what you focus on, expands. If you’re starting to program your mind, your reticular activating system, to seeing the world through this lens, you will see more and more and more of it, and you will become more of a vibrational match to it, it’ll become wired deeper into your unconscious and so you will continue drawing more and more experiences that are a perfect match to it into your life. That’s why it’ll just escalate and escalate and escalate, but the thing that started it is often something pretty simple.

This is what we do in hypnotherapy and timeline therapy. It can seem a little bit big and overwhelming like, “Oh, shivers, where does this come from?” However, I just want to let you know that it’s never about the money and you really need to look at, 

“What does the money represent to me and how would having more money make that belief untrue?”

That’s where the problem comes in, right?

If the money comes in, and then that means that it doesn’t match that belief, well then we’ve got a mismatch, we’ve got a problem here. And so that’s why the money doesn’t come. So you do need to be able to change that limiting belief, that deeper unconscious thing that’s sitting there and once you resolve that, then the money can come, because the money is then no longer contrary to that belief that has been taken on.

So, a very simple way to start unravelling all of this is to simply ask, “What would I need to believe for this to keep happening? What is the match, and if I did have more money flowing in, what would that then no longer be a match to? Where would the disconnect be?”

So look at it in both ways, “What is keeping small here a match to? And if I went to the next level, what would that be incongruent with, what would that mean, and what would that no longer mean?”

These kind of deep and powerful questions are how you connect to your unconscious mind and start unravelling some of these threads.

Yes, you can do that in a 1:1 session with myself or another practitioner, but you can actually go a very long way on your own, simply by asking the right kind of questions and working with your unconscious.

The key thing to remember is that it’s never about the money.

It’s about what the money represents.

So I’d love to hear from you if you’re happy to share. Let me know what’s coming up for you as you read this and what “Ah-ha!” and lightbulb moments you’re having in the comments below.

Do make sure also to grab my free money training. The link is in the description.

And until I see you next, keep on embracing your gorgeous and totally unlimited potential.



Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here:

Who’s getting in the way of your 6-figure business?

Who’s getting in the way of your 6-figure business?

Do you feel like other people are getting in the way of your 6-figure business? 

Maybe your partner’s not very supportive, or maybe you’ve got family who keep doubting everything you do and keep telling you all the bad news of all the people that have gone bust before you – who dared to venture into business, or maybe you’re not feeling supported by your assistant and the other people you’re paying to help you reach that 6-figure income.

It’s frustrating, it’s demoralizing, and it’s just argh! 

Now, as much as it is all of that, I invite you to go a level higher, because that’s what we’re all about here. You are the creator of your world. You are the creator of your life. Everything that is happening on the outside of you – you know, even though you may momentarily choose to forget so you can get grumpy about it – those things on the outside of you are actually a reflection of what’s going on inside of you. 

You bring your filter, your beliefs, your perceptions, and your interpretation of everything that’s happening to every situation.

So, the way you perceive or see a situation will be different to the way I see it and perceive it and to the way somebody else sees it and perceives it. 

What’s showing up for you in your experience is also a direct and perfect match to your active vibration. So if you’ve got doubts, fears, worries, concerns, or feelings of not being supported going on within you and those are active vibrations, guess what you’ll be attracting? Guess what will keep showing up for you? That’s right, all the people who so kindly play that role and show you what is going on within you… so that you can transform it. 

It’s not so much a frustration as it is an INVITATION.





So when you feel yourself being frustrated by those things and thinking, “Ah! All this on the outside of me is getting in my way,” remember it’s actually just a reflection of what’s going on internally for you, and so it is actually an invitation for you to shift what’s going on within you. For you to look at, “Okay, where do I have fears, doubts, worries, concerns? Where do I not feel supported and so I keep attracting people who confirm that for me, and how can I shift those things?”

That is the work for you. 

It’s really quite miraculous how when you shift your point of view, your attitude, your vibration internally, and bring a different perception to a situation, people on the outside of you seem to miraculously change. 

I’ve seen this in my own life. In my personal relationships with even my own mother, where once I shifted my perception she literally changed, and it’s not that she LITERALLY changed, so much as that I literally started seeing her differently. I started seeing her from the angle of, “Hey she actually is a lot of fun, and she has lots of cool things to offer and she’s kind of quirky” and all of this, rather than, “Oh my God, she just shits all over everything I do,” which is how it used to be. I changed my perception and started seeing a different side of her. When I was no longer triggered by the offhanded remarks she would make and so on, it no longer bothered me.

I’ve seen this with my students as well, where they might have a partner who’s really pushing their buttons when it comes to their business, but what it’s actually doing is it’s just showing them there’s a wound there and they’re pressing on it, and the moment you heal the wound… it’s nothing, it’s totally different and it transforms and heals entire relationships.

So, who’s getting in the way of your 6-figure business? 

No one but you, babycakes, and when it seems like other people are getting in the way, that’s an invitation for you to create some really beautiful and transformative shifts.

So, look within. Where is it a match? Where am I feeling that way? What belief of mine is this confirming, and work on changing that. You have 100% power.

And remember that if you’re looking to crack 6-figures in your business, I’ve got a really cool training to help you with that. The link is in the description. 

Until I see you next, keep embracing your beautiful and totally unlimited potential.


Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here: