How to manifest more money when money stops flowing

How to manifest more money when money stops flowing

Are you starting to resent your money… maybe just a little bit?

Do you find that you look at your banking, open your bills or just look at your finances, and feel as though you are really starting to hate your money? Like your money’s letting you down? Like it’s just not there for you?

I want to talk about that for a moment because that can really start to gather some serious momentum and take you down a very negative spiral.

The problem with it is that it then attracts even more of the same. So as you start focusing on the lack of money – even if it’s just a momentary thing where maybe a client cancels and you’d already spent the money in your mind so suddenly you start going into this “lack” mentality – then Law of Attraction actually grabs a hold of that and starts to build more and more of the same.





You start to have more negative thoughts, more thoughts of “What’s going on?”, more thoughts of bills that are coming in and maybe not quite enough money to pay them, more ideas of things that you’re having to go without because there’s not enough money.

It just builds and builds and builds momentum, and as it does, Law of Attraction grabs a hold of that at all these different levels.

It starts with thoughts, but thoughts become things.

Law of Attraction grabs a hold of your thoughts and before you know it, you’ve started creating some actual things in your experience: more bills, more cancellations, more blah blah blah, that then proves to you that those thoughts were right.

When thoughts become things you will always prove yourself right. Whether you think you’re abundant and there’s plenty of money in your life, or whether you think there’s never enough money and there’s always another bill to gobble up whatever money came in.

As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, either way you will be right.”

Law of Attraction will prove you right. 

If you don’t believe there is such a thing as Law of Attraction, Law of Attraction will prove you right in that instance as well! 

That’s how it works. You have to understand that Law of Attraction grabs a hold of your thoughts which then start to build momentum and eventually the reality in our 3D form around us starts to follow suit.

But it starts with your thinking and your emotions. All of those gather momentum. So it’s not just at the physical level, it is at all these different levels of your being that Law of Attraction will grab a hold of things.

So, if you’re starting to resent your money, you need to understand that’s going to keep building momentum and that’s going to become a really strong pattern, and that pattern will also show up on the physical level in how you’re interpreting and interacting with the money in your life.

What I invite you to do is this:

Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz which will tell you whether your Money Habit Archetype – the way that you’re interacting with your money on the physical plane – whether it’s a Spender, Over-extender, or Accumulator pattern.=

Now, that is just the habit archetype. That is the presentation of how your relationship with money, the stories and the momentum you’ve got going in your thoughts that you’ve been thinking, which become the stories that you believe and you then live out.

That’s the physical representation of those thoughts and stories. 

Your Money Habit Archetype is how it shows up in your day to day interaction with money and how you handle your money.

The best part is that after you do the quiz, I can then email you some really powerful questions specific to your Money Habit Archetype that will help you start to unravel some of those stories so that you can break that pattern and get out of that cycle that says, “See, there’s never enough money,” and has you start to hate your money.

By unravelling those old stories it means you can break that old cycle and start to build a really beautiful new cycle, where instead of resenting your money, you start to love and appreciate your money and build positive momentum around that.

As you keep building that positive momentum, you keep seeing more evidence of how wonderful your money is, how supportive it is, how much of it you have in your life, and how it always shows up in the perfect ways, at the perfect time, and it’s there and it’s got your back. As you build positive momentum on that, your whole reality will change.

It starts by noticing that these patterns are there, starting to look into what is going on there, “What is this Money Habit Archetype? Why am I resenting my money?” and then digging deeper to unravel the old stories that have been perpetuating that pattern.

So hop to it! Do the quiz! I’d love to find out what your Money Habit Archetype is and then I’d love to hear what you got out of it after you dive deeper into the specific questions on what’s created that Money Habit Archetype for you – because that is where the absolute gold lies.

So please come back and share in the comments below because I’d love to hear about it!

Hop to it, do the quiz, do the questions. It’s going to give you so much amazing insight!

Until next time, keep embracing your beautiful and unlimited potential.


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and the belief system that’s driving it. Take the quiz:

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5 Mindset shifts to help you attract a 6-figure income in your business

5 Mindset shifts to help you attract a 6-figure income in your business

Let’s talk about the 5 mindset shifts that you need to make to help you attract a 6-figure income into your beautiful business.

So, why mindset shifts? Well here’s the thing, anything is possible. 

We live in a world of infinite possibilities. We live in an ever expanding universe where anything is possible, where you get to choose the thoughts that you think and the feelings that you feel through the vibration that you’re sending out into the universe – that intelligent universe that then responds to you and brings you the ideas, the synchronicities, the events, the opportunities, the people, the conversations, everything you need to achieve whatever you’re looking to achieve.

So when you shift your mind – when you shift your mindset, which changes the way you think, which then changes the vibration that you’re sending out into the field – you change your world.

And when you change your mindset, what you’re actually doing is shifting your perspective. You’re shifting the way you see the world, you’re taking off the glasses that say, ‘This is not really possible for me’, ‘It’s too hard’, ‘It never works out’, ‘Nobody ever helps me’ and ‘I’m all by myself, I have to sort it all out myself’. 

You’re taking off those glasses, and you’re replacing them with glasses that say ‘Anything is possible. 

‘It’s possible for them, it’s possible for me. All the support I need is available. There are amazingly helpful people. There are people whose expertise it is to help me solve this problem – to help me get from point A to point B, and it’s all right there. I just need to be open to it and see it’. 

So when you shift your mindset, you open possibilities.






So let’s talk about the 5 key mindset shifts that are really going to help you attract 6-figures into your business. If you’ve been finding yourself just below that magical 6-figure barrier, these 5 mindset shifts are critical in helping you cross that line. 

Let’s talk about them.

1. Believe it’s possible

You need to believe it’s possible, and that’s pretty easy to do. It’s pretty easy to convince yourself because all you need to do is look around and find all those other people for whom it’s become possible. So when you see other people doing what you wish you could do, instantly and automatically there’s your evidence that it is totally and utterly possible. 

So look for the evidence and know that it’s possible.

2. Believe it’s possible for YOU

There’s a big difference between believing it’s possible for some people, and knowing it’s possible for you. This is where you have to become your own cheer squad. This is where you have to cheer yourself on and become your own personal coach. Coaches are fantastic but you have a coach with you every single day. You have somebody that’s talking to you all day long in your mind. 

Be kind to yourself, be positive, be encouraging to yourself and see yourself as your newest coaching client, even if you’re not currently a coach, because we all coach each other – you coach your friends, you coach your children, you coach your partner, you’re always coaching other people. 

You know how to encourage, you know how to help people see their abilities, you know how to help people see the positive side of things, and help them count all their achievements and see all the evidence of how brilliant and capable they are. 

Do it for yourself, so that you can believe that it’s possible for you.

3. Be willing to believe that it’s easy

You need to be willing to believe that this can be easy. This is a big one. Think about it, why do you believe that crossing the 6-figure threshold is going to mean that you have to work hard, that it’s going to be tiring, and that it’s going to take sacrifices you may not be willing to make? If you think this, you will hold yourself back in all sorts of ways – many of which are totally unconscious. 

You may have the best intentions, but that belief that it’s hard will hold you back because unconsciously you will sabotage yourself. Your unconscious mind will let you get yourself in a situation that you believe is going to be to your detriment. 

So look to the world around you – what evidence can you see that this can be easy, that this will make your life easier, that this will actually benefit your life and give you an even higher level of wellbeing? 

And when you can see that and when you can truly become attached to and invested in that, your unconscious mind will get on board and it will help you figure out how to make it happen.

4. Expect support

You need to expect support. 

Yes, I’m talking to you. 

I don’t know if it’s just a thing with women in general, or women in business, or maybe it’s just me, or maybe it’s me and lots of my clients and students, but this whole ‘I’ve got to do it all myself’ thing isn’t helping. But it’s damn prevalent, isn’t it? 

So you need to expect support, not just believe that the support is available, but actually expected because when you get to a place of expecting people to care, expecting people to be willing to help, expecting people to be able to give you the right guidance at the right time, you will attract it and you will manifest it and it will happen. 

So you need to get to a place where you expect support and it starts by noticing whether you currently do or you don’t, and just using your awareness to start making those shifts. 

And again, what evidence have you got that support is available? When your husband cleans out the dishwasher, CELEBRATE that ‘I am so supported’. 

When your daughter puts on the washing and remembers to not just wash her dirty undies, but yours as well, then CELEBRATE that ‘I am so supported’. 

‘I have this amazing support network all around me’. 

Keep reinforcing it to yourself. Find the littlest excuses because they will build and build and build until you do get to a point where you truly expect it, and then all the washing and all the dishes and all the laundry will forever be taken care of. Sounds good to me, right?

5. Know that you are good enough

This is a big and very important one, and it is to know that you are good enough. This goes beyond whether or not it’s possible for you. This is moving into that space of knowing that you are good enough to have this, that you deserve this, and that you are worthy of this. 

This is about really looking at what’s going on deep within, and shifting your self-image as you need to, to uplevel to a state where you know that you are good enough, where you expect the support, where you believe that it can be easy, where you believe it’s possible for you, and you believe it’s possible to begin with, right? 

So knowing that you are good enough is key. Look at that and identify if you need to make a shift there, and then do what you need to do to make it happen. 

If you’d like some help with that, I happen to have an amazing free training that you can grab right now. So if you need to take the next step from what we’ve just talked about, click on the link below, grab the free training, and I’ll see you over there. 

Until next time, keep on embracing your amazing and unlimited potential.

Grab the free 3 Steps to Manifesting a 6-Figure Income Training here:


6 steps for manifesting a 6-figure income in your business

6 steps for manifesting a 6-figure income in your business

Let’s talk about the 6 steps that you need to take if you want to align yourself with a 6-figure income. 

So you’ve got this amazing superpower – you’ve got your mind, and your thoughts become things. 

Your thoughts literally have mass. 

You are energy with consciousness and your thoughts are things and they affect the world around you. 

This means that there are certain things that you can do in terms of learning how to modulate your thoughts that will impact the world around you, and communicate with that world, then drawing from that field of infinite possibilities back to you – things that match your thoughts.






So learning what to do and the specific order in which to do it is really, really critical, because thoughts become things. 

But the question is, ‘How? How do I get good at that? How do I perfect that? And how do I prove it to myself over and over and over again in little ways that allow me to build confidence?’ 

The key to mastering this is to practice. 

Practice diligently. Practice over and over and over again. Just treat it as an experiment where you have a go, you follow the steps, notice what’s happening and then you notice what’s coming back, and your awareness of where you’re truly at – the way you’re thinking and the way you’re feeling. That’s what’s going to determine how quickly you can keep making those fine-tune adjustments that will help you master this art. 

So let me just run you through what those six steps are.

1. Intention

Now I want to use a different word for intention here and that is clarity. Being really clear on what you actually want is absolutely critical before you start to try and put the signal out there. 

What is the actual signal that you’re wanting to put out there? What is it you want? And why do you want it? And why is it important to you? 

You really need to get some fire in your belly about this as well and kind of think about it as filling your tank and getting really clear on what it is you want. I’ll give you a little side hint here. Most of the time, people are really clear on what they do not want and they spend a whole lot of time focusing on that. That’s an issue and a whole other blog that we’ll talk about another day. 

The thing I want to point out to you right here and now, is that when you know what you do not want, you actually instantly know what it is you do want. 

So remember, if you’re not sure what you want, just have a look at the things you’re complaining about, and spin them around and go, ‘I’m obviously very clear right now on what it is I do want because it’s the opposite of what I don’t want’. 

So that’s number one – clarity. Clarity of your intention.

2. Start visualising that outcome

You need to start visualising the outcome that you desire. What it does is it’s kind of like a process of self-hypnosis, it is training your mind to expect that outcome. It’s starting to train your body to live in that ultimate outcome reality because the mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined. 

So when you sit in a light state of meditation – just a really nice relaxed state – and you visualise the outcome, then that is you training your brain, and you preparing the mind for that eventuality. It’s you actually telling your mind and your unconscious, to be on the lookout for all the ways that this will come about because it’s a done deal. It’s already happening. 

When you visualise it, it’s happening right here, right now as far as your body and your brain are concerned. 

This brings me to my next very, very important point:

3. Add emotion

When you’re visualising, you must add emotion to it. You must add not the emotion of desire and yearning and desperately wanting it, but the emotion of what it feels like to have that outcome – what it feels like to have that result. 

This is where it gets interesting, because a lot of people find it difficult to truly imagine what it feels like to have that result and to be living that reality. They can come up with these yahoo moments of celebration and of ‘Oh my God, I’ve just won the lottery!’ or ‘I’ve just nailed this level of income in my business!’ 

And the issue with that is that it’s still this moment of disbelief of ‘Oh my god, I can’t believe this just happened!’ 

I want to take your attention, draw your attention to that and point out that the emotion you’re looking for is the emotion of ‘Yes, this feels totally natural and normal and this is how I live’. 

If you can’t quite figure out what that would feel like because you haven’t experienced that reality yet, then take a wild guess, act as if and just start there. Have a guess and live in that state. Imagine how you would carry yourself, how you would walk through your day, just the normal everyday day where you’re still going to be doing many of the same things you do now, but just what it feels like. How does it feel different? What are these fine nuances? Then look for ways in your life that you can feel that. 

When? Now – as much of the time as possible, and, very, very importantly, bring that emotion into that visualisation. 

4. Notice any counter-beliefs

The fourth step is to take notice of any counter-beliefs – any limiting beliefs that might be getting in the way – because by this stage, they will rear their heads, the ‘buts’ will start showing themselves and will start trying to derail you. So clearing those limiting beliefs is really critical. 

There are a few ways you can do that quite easily. I teach several methods and there are some longer and more in depth ways that you can do it, but I’m all for the quick, easy and simple. So you want to make sure that you have systems and processes and tools in place, and that you’re regularly clearing the unconscious beliefs that are in opposition to the outcome that you’re looking to achieve. 

If you don’t clear them, or at least weaken them significantly, they will keep grabbing hold of your vibration, of your visualisation, of your feeling state. And they will keep programming you into the same old, same old. So it’s very, very important.

5. Take action

The fifth very important step for aligning yourself with a six figure income is to take action. Yes, you have to do things, and you need to do things that will open the possibilities to you, that will expose you to all the different ways that this can come about. 

You need to take both aligned action and inspired action, and action from a place of not being too attached as to which way things are going to come about. 

Here’s something important that you want to remember and write down: most of the time when the universe gets involved and takes over and starts reshaping reality so that you can have what you’re looking to get, it doesn’t look anything like what you expect – that is actually a sign that it’s a miracle

That’s what it is, a miracle is taking place. The universe is stepping in. This amazing intelligence that you are a part of, that you can communicate with and instruct, that is within you, is shaping reality in ways that are outside of your normal and old ways of thinking. It’s creating something new that you didn’t have before, that you couldn’t see and that you didn’t expect before. 

So allow it to unfold in whichever way it needs to.

6. Surrender

Which takes me to the most important step of all, and that is number six – surrender. 

You need to be willing to release it, let it go and allow it to happen in whatever time and whatever way, shape or form it needs to happen. When you try to get in the way, micromanage the process and try to dictate to the universe how things should unfold, you’re actually just slowing things down. 

So practice the all important sixth and final step of surrendering every step of the way. 

Enjoy yourself, set your intention, know why this is important to you, get excited about it, visualise the outcome, put yourself into that place, think it, feel it, taste it, touch it as much as you can. Bring up the emotion that matches that outcome, be in that emotional state when you’re visualising and as much as you can the rest of the time. Clear any limiting beliefs and blocks that threaten to get in the way as they come up – do this regularly, just as though you’re taking out the garbage at home. 

Make sure you take action. Take the kind of action you would take if you knew you could not fail. Take the kind of action that you would take if you knew that the universe has amazingly, sneaky and surprising ways to allow you to reach your wildest dreams. Take action over and over and over again, without dictating to the universe which ones need to be the ones that pay off. Because that is what allows you to move into that sixth important step and surrender. 

Letting it all go and enjoying the process because that is the key to surrender. Being able to really enjoy the journey and know that the outcome is assured. 

So I want to leave you with the best analogy I have for that process. And that is sitting down in a restaurant to order your favourite meal. 

You look forward to it, you know where you’re going, and you’re really excited. You already visualise who you’re going with, what the evening will look like, and what you’re going to wear. You start getting excited, you start seeing yourself sitting there enjoying the meal, knowing that they have your favourite dish, and it’s waiting just for you. 

So you’re getting into the emotion. 

If other things threaten to get in your way you say, ‘No, I’m sorry. I already have plans that day.’ This meal is going to happen. You clear anything that threatens to get in the way, you make space in your schedule. 

Then you take action. 

You get dressed, and you actually go and show up to the restaurant. You place your order and then you surrender. You sit there, and you know the meal is on its way. You know, the chef has all the ingredients, and you know that they know what they’re doing, and how to prepare it perfectly. You know that the waiter knows how to bring it to you and where to find you. And all you have to do is stay in the restaurant and enjoy your beautiful evening with whoever you’re spending it with. 

It is that simple. It just takes practice. I have a great resource for you that will help you take the next step on this journey. So if you’d like to take that – and I highly recommend that you do – then click the link that I’ve provided for you in the comments of this video. And until I see you next, keep on embracing your amazing and unlimited potential.

Grab the free 3 Steps to Manifesting a 6-Figure Income Training here:


How to get in alignment with abundance – and stay there

How to get in alignment with abundance – and stay there

Let’s talk about alignment.

Alignment is a daily habit, a daily task. Your level of alignment is what will determine whether you are a match to the things that you want – the growth you want, the new things in your life, or whether you’re a match to the same old, or whether you’re a match to something you used to have and don’t want or something you’ve never had before that you don’t want.

Your alignment is a moment by moment proposition that matches you up with the reality that you are creating, the reality that you are attracting.

The thing is, most of us are very much trained into this “tick and flick” approach. We go to Uni or we get a qualification for work and we get the piece of paper, we tick the box, and that’s it. You’re qualified, away you go. You don’t have to worry about doing that again.

Alignment doesn’t work like that.





Alignment is a moment by moment proposition.

And then, of course, you know as humans we suck at focusing. The moment something goes slightly wrong it has all our attention and we have to really work to get our attention off it and onto something else. So when there’s a problem or an issue, that pulls us out of alignment straight away. Our focus, our energy is then on what’s going wrong, what is not in alignment with the outcome that we much prefer.

And then, of course, we’re surrounded by other people, and a lot of them really like to talk about the problems, what’s wrong in the world, the news likes to feed it to us in a condensed hour a day a dump it into our living room. I don’t watch the news. People tell you what’s wrong in the world anyway, trust me, it’s hard enough just keeping that under control.

So, we have all these outside influences plus our own “sucky” focus and that’s what it comes down to: It’s a matter of our focus and training that. That takes commitment, it takes perseverance, it takes really building some habits and having some systems in place that keep you in alignment on a daily basis.

The most powerful way to get a head start on that is to meditate because every time you meditate you get into vibrational alignment with the highest part of you, with the quantum field, with the field of infinite possibilities and that intelligence that is the God Mind or whatever term you want to give it.

When you meditate, you get in alignment, and the more frequently you meditate and the more you practice meditation the easier it becomes for you to then hold yourself in that space of alignment through the rest of your day and as time goes on you also get really good at staying in that place of alignment or at least not dipping out of it for very long when there’s “issue” and “problems” around you that want to get your attention.

So, PLEASE meditate!

That is the best, best way you can keep yourself in alignment and then naturally just become a match to attracting all sorts of good things.

Now, I have a whole library of meditations, they are hypnotic meditations, so they actually train your unconscious mind on a whole host of subjects so there’s literally one that will help you deal with negative people around you. There are loads that will help you get more clarity, get more focus, help you align with abundance. There are 52 meditations in that library and it’s totally free, so if you don’t have access to it yet please click the link in the description and help yourself to that and get into that daily practice of meditating.


Grab the free 3 Steps to Manifesting a 6-Figure Income Training here:

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How to hit 6-figures in your business even if you have money blocks

How to hit 6-figures in your business even if you have money blocks

Let’s talk about how you can hit six figures in your business EVEN if you have money blocks.

Yep – that’s right 😊

Okay, money blocks, let’s talk about them because they’re annoying little things, aren’t they? 

But here’s the thing, everybody has them. EVERYBODY!  Even Oprah has money blocks. 

But there is one key thing that determines whether or not they’re going to stop you, whether or not they’re going to get in your way and that is entirely up to you. 

The thing that determines whether or not those money blocks will stop you and get in your way, is your FOCUS.

Is your block what you choose to focus on?. 






You have a choice. You can either notice these money blocks – which usually show up as old money stories, limiting beliefs, little voices of doubt, in the back of your mind. You can choose whether to pay them attention, whether to start seeking help and support and guidance with them and dig deeper and deeper and deeper into them –  or whether to go ‘Yep, thanks very much’, brush them off and absolutely focus on what it is you DO want.

You can choose and you can overpower them – basically just override them. 

Because you can do that. You can absolutely override your money blocks, by focusing all your attention, all your focus and all your power on what it is you DO want – on the outcome you ARE looking to achieve and you can keep looking for all the evidence and all the reasons why it CAN happen and why you’re the PERFECT person for the job because that evidence is also there.

So the problem with money blocks and why they stop most people is that they become really enamoured with them. They love to look at them and reminisce about where that came from and talk about all the different ways it’s held them back and tell ALL the stories.

There is a real emotional drama hook in that, and it’s human nature to be hooked into the drama.It’s very addictive.

And you know, even though it doesn’t serve you, it can still feel so comfortable and warm and satisfying. 

Telling the story, you know, telling how it happened because of this, and that, and this person and the economy at the time, and the divorce and the separation and the bankruptcy. And these are all the ‘reasons’. yes, but the thing is that’s also what keeps you stuck, because you’re focusing on the money block. 

So remember that you can choose to override it. 

It’s a matter of making sure that you utilise that most powerful force you have available to you – your focus.

It comes down to you and your determination, your persistence and your just doggedly refusing to go there. These powerful forces can help you override your money blocks. 

And you have Law of Attraction at your back as well, right? So as you focus on what is working, what is going well, on the evidence – you can see that things are working out, get excited about what’s going well, and how much people appreciate what it is you do for them. You build momentum, because Law of Attraction will grab a hold of that, and help you establish really strong, powerful, vibrational stability in that space.

And as you manage that, as you master that, you start to attract to you more and more things that match that.

And the more you do that, the more those old money blocks just seem like a big old lie that you suddenly have all this evidence to the contrary of.

The other thing that really helps you override your money blocks is consistent action.

So Number One:
Consistency of alignment…  of looking for the things that help you feel the way you feel when you’re winning.

And Number Two:
Consistent action in alignment with that.
Consistent action that demonstrates that you ARE expecting a positive outcome, that you DO expect it to work, that it IS going to work and that you’re NOT stopping until you figure it out!

So continually taking action, and doing all you possibly can to make sure your focus, your energy, your awareness is on what is working, what you do want and all the reasons why it can happen will automatically cancel and clear any money blocks that are not in alignment with that.

How cool is that?

So it’s up to you.
It’s up to you to have the determination and the focus, it’s up to you to create that shift.

And you can do it simply by getting up each day and saying, “I’m going to do the best I possibly can today.”

Now if you’d like a little bit more support with that, I do have a really great, entirely free resource for you that can help you more with this – you can grab it now from the link near this video.

So click that now, help yourself and until I see you next, keep on embracing your amazing and unlimited potential.


Grab the free 3 Steps to Manifesting a 6-Figure Income Training here: