The real secret to attracting money EASILY

The real secret to attracting money EASILY

Hi, this is Miriam Castilla and welcome to the Manifesting Playground where we apply Law of Attraction in practical and magical ways to transform your business and life – so you can have more, more time, and more alignment.

Let’s talk about the real secret to attracting more money EASILY.

If you’ve been focusing on attracting more abundance and more money into your business and your life for a while, you might have found that, at times… or maybe a lot of the time, it starts to feel really hard and frustrating… and the more you try, the worse it gets!

That’s actually completely what happens. As you try harder, you’re reinforcing to the universe and your subconscious mind – which are kind of the same thing but we’ll talk about that another time – you are reinforcing that it’s hard work and that it’s not happening. Just the word “try” alone, actually implies NOT succeeding – which is why Yoda was so right (if you know what I’m talking about with the Star Wars reference)

There is no try. There is only “do” and “do not.”

In fact, in hypnotherapy, we use the word “try” to suggest to people that they cannot succeed. So, I don’t know if you’ve ever worked with a hypnotherapist (maybe you’ve worked with me?) We can do things like stick your hand to your leg or glue your eyes shut. We use the word “try” over and over again, “Go on try. Try to do it,” and the more you try the more you find you can’t do it!

The word “try” is hypnotic and it implies not succeeding. When you’re “trying” you are not succeeding and you’re reinforcing to your unconscious mind that you’re having to try because it’s not working, and that is the message you’re sending out to the universe with your energy of frustration and how hard it all is and how you just keep trying and you can’t crack it.

So, the real secret to attracting more money more easily, is to dance the dance of what I call the Manifesting Paradox.





Yes, you need to connect with what you want. You need to have the idea. You need to dream the dream. You need to connect with that possibility of the outcome you want that already exists out in the quantum field. Now once that’s done, whether you visualise, or you daydream, or you make a vision board, or you just spend some time talking and thinking about it – that’s done. The connection has happened. It’s kind of like you’ve branded that event. You’ve branded that outcome with your electromagnetic signature.

So the universe heard your order, no need to keep repeating it.

The work from here on is simple: It’s allowing yourself to be in a state where you can attract it. And “trying” to bring it in is not the state you want to be in!

So what you actually need to work on is getting into a state of “allowing.” Allowing it to flow to you, which means that you kind of need to be unattached enough to “how” and “when” and still be excited and looking forward to the outcome. So being really thrilled because you know that you create your reality, but at the same time knowing that the details of that are not your work. The “how” is not your work and when you try to get in the way and micromanage the process, you just slow it down.

So that is the real secret to attracting more money, more easily:
Come up with all the great ideas, dream the dream, and then get into a space of “allowing,” which means you just have to stay in that beautiful state of unattached expectation.

Tune in and notice, “is that how I’m feeling?” If it’s not, make a little tweak and check it again. If it’s not, make another little tweak. Lots of baby steps add up beautifully over time.

Now, if you’d like some more tips like that to practice and you haven’t yet accessed my free money manifesting training, then please follow the link I’ve given you in the description because you get access to a free 25 minute training video that I’ve recorded for you with the 5 reasons you’re not manifesting more money and what to do about it so.

Along with the video, you also get a little cheat sheet, a checklist to remind you of what I cover for you in the training so that you can keep on refining and applying those beautiful baby steps and continue to grow in abundance.

Until I see you next, keep on embracing your beautiful and unlimited potential.



Ready to take the Money Manifesting Training?

Click here to access it now >>

The difference between personal responsibility and self-blame when it comes to manifesting what you want

The difference between personal responsibility and self-blame when it comes to manifesting what you want

Hi, this is Miriam Castilla and welcome to the Manifesting Playground for Soulful Women in Business – the place where you get to marry the magical with the practical so you can have more money and more time, the easy way – without all the extra hustle!

Let’s talk about the difference between personal responsibility and self-blame.

You see, I teach that you are the creator of your life. When most people start to get that they go, “Yaaay, that is so awesome! It means that I have 100% responsibility for the world I’m creating!” Which means that not long after that they go, “Ooh, shit… I’ve created this, and that, and that, and that… if I’m 100% responsible, it means I get the blame. I’m to blame for all of the things that are wrong in my life,” and they don’t like that. That usually then leads to a state of guilt, self-judgment, and even self-punishment, and that’s not a good thing.

So the thing to recognize is that when you go into a pattern of self-blame and self-judgment and guilt, you’re actually acting from a place of ego. The ego that is very clever at keeping you stuck in an old pattern. When you’re so busy putting all your energy into blaming yourself, into going over what went wrong, how you’re the cause of it all and how you really just need to get your act together and stop screwing everything up – it takes a lot of energy to do that. When your energy is tied up in that self-blame, and that guilt, and that rehashing everything that went wrong, it means that you don’t have energy available to create the new. It keeps you from moving forward. That’s how clever the ego is.

It wants to keep you in the same old pattern where it feels you’ll be safe.





Remember that where your attention goes, your energy flows.

Everything that happens is neither good nor bad, it’s just feedback. It’s an opportunity for you to learn and decide to make some adjustments. Redirect your focus. Done! That is ALL you need to worry about when it comes to the past.

Whether things went right or wrong is almost irrelevant. It is all just feedback and an opportunity to learn so that you can move forward in an even better, even more beautiful way.

The thing is that money is usually the place where people feel the biggest urgency around this stuff, and where they beat themselves up the most. In my Magnetic Money Program, I see it all the time. People really blaming themselves and feeling so bad for all the things they did wrong, both on the practical physical level with their money, and on an energetic level when it comes to their money.

So that’s why I’ve created a special little video training that really helps you address the five reason you’re not manifesting more money and what to do about them. You can grab it from the link in the description, it’s totally free. It’s a 25-minute short, sharp, and shiny video training that even comes with a little handy cheat sheet to remind you of everything you learned in the training so that you can totally stay on track and take 100% personal responsibility and power to move you forward rather than being stuck in self-blame, guilt, and all that crap. We don’t want that. We want to move forward into abundance.

Grab yourself that from the link in the description and until I see you next time, remember to keep on embracing your amazing and unlimited potential.



Grab your free money manifesting video training so you can manifest exactly what you want.

Click here to access it now >>

Why being jealous of others’ success slows your manifesting down

Why being jealous of others’ success slows your manifesting down

Hi beautiful,

I’m Miriam Castilla and welcome to the Manifesting Playground for Soulful Women in Business – the place where we practice the art & science of Effectology to help you marry the magical with the practical so you can have more money and more time, the easy way – without all the extra hustle!

Today we’re going to talk about what’s going on when you’re feeling jealous of other people… of their success, the money they have or maybe your neighbor comes home with your dream car and you just think, ‘bitch!’ Or maybe your best friend wins cross lotto and you want to be happy for her, but you just think, ‘why can’t that happen to me?!’ So what’s going on there and how can you turn it around in your favour?




Now, number 1:

I want you to realize that when you’re feeling that way, when you’re feeling jealous of other people’s success or other people’s wealth, it means that you’re actually believing in lack. That there’s not enough, not enough to go around and they have something that you can’t. That they’ve somehow taken what’s yours. The bottom line, is that’s just not true because there is plenty of more, there is plenty more to go around. There are trillions of dollars circulating the globe every minute. There is plenty for you, trust me, baby! So you can just start to kind of unravel that one and look at the scale of the world economy and realize that if your neighbour has your dream car, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have one as well.

Number 2:
I want you to actually start realizing that for that stuff to show up in your experience, for someone close to you, for someone near you to have the thing you desire, it’s like the Universe is giving you a beautiful little preview saying, ‘Hey! Remember this thing you really like? Well, look how close you are!’

It means that you are getting this little vibrational preview showing you that you are in the vicinity of it because trust me, if you weren’t anywhere near it, you wouldn’t be surrounded by anyone who has wealth, abundance or anything beautiful. You’d be surrounded by people who are miserable and broke…if that’s your dominant, constant vibration. So it’s actually showing you a beautiful preview and encouraging you that you are vibrationally close. You know, it’s not in your driveway yet but it’s just ONE driveway over. How freaking exciting is that?!

So the thing to take away from all of this is to celebrate!

Instead of being jealous, really celebrate because the preview is for you and there’s plenty more where that came from and you can make that your little affirmation. Plenty more of where that came from because if there’s plenty for them, there’s plenty for you and it’s close enough that you can actually be a part of it in some way already so start celebrating.

Start ramping up and amping up that vibration and really get yourself in alignment – that’s what’s going to allow that car to hop from their driveway into your driveway. And anyway, you’ll want your own because she probably rides the brakes way too hard, you don’t want that one. Trust me.

Bye for now!


To speed up your manifesting, get my free Money Manifesting Training Pack – which includes a cheat sheet on ‘5 Reasons You’re Not Manifesting More Money – and what to do about it’

Click here to download it for free.