How to stop feeling guilty about the money you spend

How to stop feeling guilty about the money you spend

Do you feel guilty spending money on yourself? 

Let’s talk about that and let’s talk about why it stops more money from coming into your experience.

Maybe you’re in this habit of saying, “Ah, not yet. I won’t spend that money on myself just yet. First I need to hit a six-figure income,” or “When I have my first big month,” or “When my launch does this,” or “When I have this many clients,” or “When I put my price up to X number.”

The thing is that what you will notice if you’re really honest with yourself is that you keep moving the goalposts. You keep finding excuses and you keep skimping and putting yourself last, feeling too guilty to ever really spend that money on yourself.

So my question is: When will you feel ready?




Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.

To attract more money, stop being mean to it

To attract more money, stop being mean to it

Are you being mean to your money?

What do I mean by that?

Are you bitching about your money? Are you complaining about your money? Are you seeing money as the enemy? Something unreliable? Something that’s frustrating? Something that’s not wanting to play ball with you?

Do you think and feel and speak about money like that?

Just take a moment to think about that.

If the answer is, “Yeah. I do,” then I want to remind you that:-

Number one: it’s not money’s fault.

Money is just responding to your energy, to your vibration.

And that stuff we just talked about… that’s a huge part of it.

And number two: money is energy.






Money is just energy, and that’s actually very important for you to remember.

Because remember that energy responds to vibration, and your feeling – how you feel about money – that’s a vibration.

So when you’re feeling angry about money towards your money, when you’re feeling resentful towards your money, that’s the vibration you’re putting out.

And the energy of money responds to that, and runs for the hills – runs the other way.

So, you need to stop being mean to your money.

You need to stop talking badly about your money – being resentful and angry towards your money – because your money can only mirror back to you the vibration that you’ve been putting out about it.

So, it is an inside job.

Money is just responding to you.

You need to switch that up. Start being really kind to your money.

Start being grateful for the money that is choosing to show up even though you’re being a little bit of a bitch at the moment. (Let’s be honest.)

And it is starting to show up, and it keeps showing up, and the bills are getting paid.
And you are being fed.
And you have a roof over your house.

Because that money is still sticking around.

It’s sticking by you, baby, even though you haven’t really been the best of friends to be with.

So imagine if you start shifting that and start appreciating your money. Start really, really giving your money some love and putting that energy out. And then money can correspond and respond to that, and mirror that vibration back to you and start coming into experience more and more because it will be drawn to you – just like anyone else, right?

If you’re being horrible, mean and condescending to a friend of yours, they’re not going to want to come around to visit; they’re going to stay the hell away. But if you start being loving and kind and appreciative towards them, they’ll want to be around you all the time because it feels great to be around you.

And money is no different.

So start thinking of your money as having feelings, and start caring about your money’s feelings because this is a relationship between you and your money, and that will help you attract a whole lot more.

And start having a really beautiful, loving, appreciative relationship with your money – which is an amazing, amazing place to be.

Now, to get you started, grab yourself today’s freebie. I’ve popped the link in the description. That’s going to make a huge difference in how you vibrationally line up with the amount of money you want so you can attract more of it more easily.

Until I see you next.

Make sure you keep embracing your unlimited potential.



Grab the free 3 Steps to Manifesting a 6-Figure Income Training here:

How to hypnotise yourself into abundance

How to hypnotise yourself into abundance

I’m wondering: have you hypnotised yourself to be poor?

So I’m a hypnotherapist and one of the first things I learned in my training is that we actually all hypnotise each other every single day.

Coca-Cola, KFC, McDonald’s know exactly how to hypnotise people into buying their “stuff.” Right?

They know the hypnotic effects of words, images, repetition and people just zoning out in front of the TV – which, by the way, is when your unconscious is completely open.

You’re actually in a trance when you’re watching TV, and that is why TV ads are so powerful.

But we all hypnotise ourselves – and each other – every single day.





Your parents hypnotised you when you were just a little kid which, again, is when the unconscious is completely open. The personality hasn’t fully formed yet. And until about age seven, you’re just open; there’s no filter and everything goes in.

Which is why my 1:1 work with clients usually goes back to things at age 7 or earlier. If they take me to an event that they say is the first time that a limiting belief occured after age 7, I always dig deeper.

Because most often, it happened before age 7 when they were totally susceptible to taking on messages without a rational filter that says, “That’s not really what that means and I’m going to choose to see it from a different perspective.”

They just take things at face value. YOU just took things at face value.

So, we all hypnotise each other.

Our parents are really good at it when we’re young.

And now you also hypnotise yourself every single day.

You do it with your words. Words are extremely powerful. They’re extremely hypnotic and when you repeat the same word over and over again that means you start to believe it.

And as you start to believe it, you repeat it more and more which means you believe it at an even deeper level. And because you know that what you believe at a deeper level is the truth, it means that the words that you are now speaking are you complete and utter truth.

What I just said doesn’t make much sense but it felt like it did, didn’t it?

Because I used hypnotic words. That is how powerful they are.

So, be aware of that.

Be aware of your words and that they are hypnotising you every single day.

Be aware that when you speak to other people, you are actually hypnotising yourself. Words are powerful. 95-98% of everything we do every single day is completely unconscious. So when you hypnotise yourself, what you’re actually doing is you’re programming your unconscious – which runs your life.

It’s like you’re programming the computer that runs the show.

And you want to be careful with how you’re programming it, right?

One thing you can practice is a simple pattern interrupt.

Basically just be aware and when you find yourself saying things that are negative around money like “Oh god, not another parking fine.” and “Oh my god, electricity just keeps getting more expensive.” etc, train yourself to throw in a little pattern interrupt.

Train yourself to say something that interrupts that old pattern firing in your nervous system because that alone will weaken that old pattern… and weaken that old belief system.

It will help you wire in a new belief system… a new pattern that serves you a whole lot better.

What sort of pattern interrupt?

Well, you can train yourself to go “BLAH” everytime you say something that shouldn’t come out of your mouth. But people might think that you’re a little bit weird….

So, how about something as simple as, “Lucky I’ve always got more money coming.” or “Lucky I’m rich!” or “Yeah, that’s right – I can afford this because I always make twice as much as I spend.” Or just anything. Anything at all that’s a pattern interrupt that’s out of the ordinary to what you would normally say.

And that alone is powerful.

This is important stuff, people.

Now, if you’re not quite sure where to begin on this journey to creating life on purpose, to getting in the driver seat and really upgrading your life no matter how good it already is you know it can be better, then take my quiz.

The link is in the description above. Jump on there and we’ll find out what your next step from here is.

I’ll see you next time.


Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.

How fear & doubt in business can keep you broke

How fear & doubt in business can keep you broke

Are you spending wayyyy too much money on your business?

Most entrepreneurs do.

They spend money on fancy websites before they’ve nailed their messages, blow money on business cards that get thrown in the bin when they change their branding (or hairstyle).

Not to mention all the marketing material and the courses that either aren’t needed, never get done or simply aren’t right for them.

If this has been you, don’t beat yourself up. You’re certainly not alone!

I know it’s not that you don’t know your priorities.

And I know it’s not because you suck with money.

The reason most entrepreneurs are overspenders has to do with a  very simple fact of what it MEANS to become an entrepreneur – to go into business for yourself and rely on nothing but your brains, skills & creativity to earn a living.

Today, I’m going to break it down for you and tell you how to break out of this costly cycle.

In today’s video:

  • the first stage of the entrepreneurial journey & what few people realize
  • why band-aid solutions get expensive
  • the trick to making an investment that pays unlimited & never-ending returns




Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here:

3 Hot Tips for Rewiring Your Brain With A New Money Story

3 Hot Tips for Rewiring Your Brain With A New Money Story

We all know that the unconscious mind is where all the hot action is, right?

Because everything that’s going on for you at the conscious level – 98% of that in fact – is completely driven by the unconscious mind.

The unconscious mind is brilliant. It takes over. It takes care of things for you.

It keeps your heart beating, your lungs inflating. It makes sure you don’t think about how to tie your shoelaces or get dressed in the morning, or how to walk for that matter. Remember trying to learn that? Yeah… me neither.

These things can be difficult in the beginning but once we master them, we become unconsciously competent. 

We just do them without even thinking about it.





So they get wired deep into our unconscious mind and they just kind of happen. They’re just on autopilot, which is fantastic for a huge number of things in life. Because I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit too busy to think about keeping my heart beating, and my lungs inflating.

However, what also happens is that sometimes we take on a story, a belief system, and we wire that into our unconscious mind.

Then everything we create, the way we unconsciously behave, the way we see the world and what we expect to get out of the world matches that unconscious belief. So we keep perpetuating this reality over and over and over again, and even though we may not like it, we kind of feel like we’re stuck with it… until we do something about it.

Doing something about it is all about starting to write and starting to live a new story.

When it comes to attracting money and abundance, growing your business, and all that good stuff, you’ve got an underlying old story that says, “This is how things roll.”

As you start to want to create a new story to replace it, you need to start talking about that story. You need to start acting in alignment with that story.

Now, the problem is that a lot of people go too fast, too hard.

They kind of stuff it up because what they inadvertently do is they wire in even more deeply the fact that there is a problem. By trying to fight it too quickly and go too hard too fast they’re actually being counter productive.

So that’s actually the first of the three tips I want to give you for writing a new money story:

Number one, don’t go too hard, too fast.

Go easy and realize that little incremental shifts that actually stick, are going to get you a whole lot further than you trying to make some ridiculous jump overnight that even when you’re saying it and thinking it, there’s a voice in the back of your mind that says, “What a load of bullshit.”

You want to NOT activate that voice that says, “This is bullshit.” That’s basically the aim of the game.

So go slowly and gently enough that you’re not activating that voice. Listen for it. If that voice pops up, back up a little bit and go a little gentler. You can do that over and over and over again and you are absolutely making progress.

The second tip I want to give you is that as you start talking about the way you do want things to be now, the way things are starting to become, you do exactly what I just did and you use “transitional language.”

“Starting to.”


“In the process of.”

And when you talk about the old pattern, put it in the past with your language.

Talk about what you used to do, and “In the past…”, and, “Back then this was an issue… but now I’m starting to see things differently. Now I’m starting to feel empowered about my money. Now I’m starting to notice that there’s opportunities everywhere. Now I’m starting to realize that the less I focus on and stress about money, the more money seems to flow, in fact I’m starting to think maybe that’s the secret to the whole thing, that I just focus on all the good stuff in my life, stop obsessing about money, and more money flows, because it happened again last week.

That little bit I added at the end there “because it happened again last week,” that’s the third tip I want to give you.

The third tip is to use what I call a “Universal Truth.”

Put in statements that you know to be true, and that you cannot argue with. Ones that voice that likes to yell out, “Bullshit,” from the back row cannot argue with.

I like to have a universal truth and yes, you can do it the way I just kind of gave you the example, where you state an actual thing that happened.

But a Universal Truth – even better – is like a mantra that you say right there and then as it’s happening. It’s you reinforcing that,”Yes, this is now starting to happen. This is now becoming my new reality. Yes, this is possible and these moments do happen. Look at that, I wasn’t even thinking about my business and people booked in and so it is true that I don’t have to be obsessing about it 24/7 to make money, in fact, sometimes, I’m doing nothing to do with my business and the money just flows.”

You want to reinforce it when it’s actually happening. Jump on that opportunity, pounce on it –  because this is your chance to really hammer it home, to really wire that into your unconscious mind.

So have a universal truth statement that you’ve got ready – because I’m pretty used to doing this and it kind of just flows – but in the beginning particularly, you want to have that universal truth statement ready.

It may sound something like, “But of course, there’s always plenty of money coming,” or, “But of course, everything always works itself out.” You want a statement that you cannot argue with, and that is a universal truth that you use in the moment that applies across the board.

Things like, “That’s right, the universe always has the bigger picture in mind,” and, “That’s right, the universe is always looking out for me,” and, “That’s right, everything’s always working out,” and, “That’s right, money always shows up,” or, “That’s right, the bills do always get paid.”

So you have that universal truth, you have that statement ready, and you throw it in there. And you want that to be very general, a very nice general statement. Something, like I said, that the voice from the back row has nothing to talk about.

So my favourite universal statement is, “Everything is always working out for me. It all works out.”

Mike Dooley mentioned one, I don’t know if it’s actually his that he uses regularly, but he says one and it was, “It’s always working”.Even though I can’t always see it, it’s always working.”

What that does, is you’re using it right there in that moment and it helps you really wire in that this is the new reality.

So remember that, number one, don’t go too hard too fast.

Number two, use transitional language.

And number three, use those statements of universal truth to keep reinforcing right then and there that everything is always working out for you because, baby, it totally is.

Now, as far as rewriting your money story goes, the number one place to start is the very tip of the iceberg. When you start at the tip of the iceberg, you make sure you don’t miss anything.

The tip of the iceberg is called your Money Habit Archetype. It is that big picture pattern of how money shows up for you in your life, over and over and over again. It encompasses all the little different situations. Once you become really aware of that and know how to use that, then you can use that information to rewrite that old money story, so the pattern that’s surfacing can shift.

So it starts with knowing your Money Habit Archetype and if you haven’t done it for a while – or if you’ve never done it – then make sure you jump on my Money Habit Archetype quiz, to which you will find the link in the description.

So hop to it, get started now!

Let’s transform that money story of yours, remember the three hot tips I gave you, and until I see you next, make sure you keep embracing your unlimited potential.


Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.