Magnetic Monday Live Manifesting Q&A | Your money questions answered

Magnetic Monday Live Manifesting Q&A | Your money questions answered

It’s time for another Magnetic Monday call!

This is a live manifesting Q&A, where you can get answers to all your money questions – including how to change your money mindset, how to attract and manifest more money PLUS personal finance tips to help you gain money confidence so you never worry about money again.

To get an invite for the next Magnetic Monday Q&A so you can join us live and get answers to YOUR biggest money questions, just register at:

It’s completely free!

Here’s a summary of this episode so you can jump straight to the bit that resonates with you – or grab a cuppa and watch the lot!


6min – I struggle with the spending part, mostly. So my question is, does that kind of block the flow of the abundance through me? 

18min – How do you manage the transition of your own mindset with your nearest and dearest who are not in a positive mindset? 

26min – You say “Every dollar needs a job to do” and I’m having trouble finding jobs for all my money 

36min –  I worry there won’t be enough money in ‘old age’

41min – My money is a mess! I’ve been trying to give it jobs, but I don’t know enough about investing and compound interest






Here are some highlights from the call:

Rene said:
“One habit around money I would like to change is being worried there’s not enough in old age.”

As we do get a little bit older and start realising that life is not infinite in this 3D reality that we’re in, we do start thinking about that stuff. 

If that’s something that’s really bugging you, then I would recommend:

1. Look at the story

Look at what your parents modelled for you. Is that a story that you picked up because it’s what your parents either told you or what actually happened to them? 

And just because it happened to them – or it’s what they bought into – doesn’t mean it has to be your story. 

We do the hypnotic story process in Magnetic Money, and that is a huge part of it:
Realizing that it’s just a story – most of the time it’s not even your story – and that you don’t have to keep believing it. You can start telling a new story. 

That disconnects the emotional hook. 

So looking at where that story comes from that you’re not going to be okay in old age is a very important step.

2. Make a plan

On a really practical level, have a plan.

When you have a plan, you don’t have to worry so much anymore. 

In Australia, we have a great book called The Barefoot Investor. The author Scott Pape talks about this myth that you need a million dollars in the bank to retire comfortably. 

And it’s just not true. 

We have the age pension, and you’re still allowed to work part-time. And who wouldn’t want to work a couple of days a week and do something that gets them out and engages them in the community? 

He breaks it all down and shows us that we don’t actually need a million dollars in the bank! We on;y need a fraction of that!

Most people live in a state of fear trying to figure out where they’re going to find a million dollars cash and a freehold house to retire with, so it’s about 1 – shifting the mindset and 2 – actually having a clear and educated plan. 

So number one – what’s the story you’re telling yourself? And why do you think that that’s got to be your story? 

And then marrying the magical with the practical, and putting a plan together, asking yourself what your retirement plan is, what your finances are looking like, and then what needs to be a priority.

Give every dollar a job to do and look at what your number one priority is right now.

It might be: 

  • Paying off credit card debt 
  • Paying off your home loan
  • Starting to put more money away into your superannuation
  • Starting to put some money away for investing

Knowing what that wealth creation plan is, which stage you’re at, and actually knowing that you’re underway, that really settles all those fears and nerves.

That’s why to me, doing the practical side of money and not having it go hand in hand with the energetic and the mindset stuff is madness. 

And the same goes with the energetic and the mindset stuff. 

That’s all very well, but if you don’t walk the talk, then you’re still just hoping for the best. And at worst, you’re repressing all your fears and pretending everything’s okay because you’re not willing to step up to the plate and actually take care of your money. 

When you do take care of your money and you put that plan in place, then you can relax and spend a certain amount of money on yourself without worrying – because you know you’ve earned enough and that money is earmarked for having fun. And all the other stuff that your money needs to do is all being taken care of as well because every dollar has a job to do.

Some of those dollars have the job of helping you to achieve financial stability and financial freedom, and some of those dollars have the job of helping you take of yourself, feel great about yourself and enjoy life along the way. 

And that helps to raise your vibration, keep shifting your mindset around how abundant life is, and then allows MORE money to flow, which means there’s going to be even more dollars available to grow your wealth. 

And it builds and builds and builds.


Kim asked:
“I give my money jobs to do – all the bills are paid and I started a business so that I could have that, but I don’t know what to do with the leftover. There’s not a lot leftover, but enough that I know I should be doing something with it. I don’t know what to do with it.”

In Magnetic Money, we set up a ‘bucket system’ where there are different buckets of money that serve separate purposes.

There is one bucket that pays the bills.

Another bucket is your fun bucket and discretionary spending (ie. groceries).

Then there’s the wealth creation bucket. 

(Forget about the word ‘compound’ for a moment if it confuses you.) 

The wealth creation bucket is everything that has interest attached to it.

Things that charge you interest could be:

  • Credit card
  • Mortgage 
  • Car loan

But then on the flip side, there are things that you earn interest on such as investments and term deposits.

So that wealth creation bucket is everything that has interest involved.

What compound interest means is (and it doesn’t really work like this but it keeps the numbers simple): If you have a credit card owing $1,000, and you’re charged 20% interest per annum, in a year you’re charged $200 interest. If you don’t pay that down, then you’re going to be charged interest on that $200 as well as the $1,000 that you already owe.

So if you don’t pay that down, you’re going to be charged interest on the interest and so on.

And that’s what compound interest is – it’s the interest making more debt babies.

It’s like this family tree that’s working against you.

What we want to do is make sure that some of your money is being pointed at that bucket.

This is a really great job to give some of your money, as it reduces that debt effect as quickly as possible, and tips the scales into starting to grow your wealth.

That’s a super quick lesson on how we do it.

Want to join me LIVE for the next call?

I’d love to help you master your money and your mindset so you never feel like you need to worry about money again.

Just register here to receive your Magnetic Monday invitation:

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How to uncover your money beliefs

How to uncover your money beliefs

Today I’m going to share with you one of the simplest ways to uncover your money beliefs that are stopping you from attracting the money you want.


Do you have a feeling that maybe there’s something going on under the hood that is causing money to be an issue in your life?

Have you already got money coming into your life but it seems to disappear again as quickly as it arrives, or money still feels like an issue – even though you actually have plenty?

Then you’re probably starting to realise that there’s some hidden money beliefs at the unconscious level that somehow somewhere there’s something sabotaging your relationship with money. 


The thing is that 98% of everything we think, do, feel and say, is pretty much unconscious.

It’s just automatic habit patterns that are running the show and you’re busy getting on with your day thinking you’re in charge, but really, you’re only consciously in charge of about 2% of what goes on in your life. 




So if those unconscious habit patterns of thought, of feeling, of relating to money, of the way you approach life and what you are actually open to seeing in terms of opportunities, and ideas are not helpful and in alignment with how you do want your money relationship to be, then it’s time to look under the hood.

It’s time to uncover your money beliefs.

Because all that stuff is going on at the unconscious level, that’s where we want to go to start figuring out what’s going on and to start changing it. There’s no point smashing away at the conscious level, if your unconscious is just busily getting on with the same old, same old – it’ll just wear you out and frustrate you. 

All you need to do is use your unconscious mind to help you because it already has the answers. 

It knows what it’s doing. It knows what’s going on. And here’s the thing about your unconscious mind, it’s kind of like Google on steroids. It loves being asked the question, so all you need to do is ask it a question and it will go away, search and find all the answers, catalogue them, put them all together for you in a nice little pretty bullet point format and put a little bow on top. 

And the moment that you are in the right frame of mind to receive that information, it’ll pop up. 

It will go to work for you and help you uncover your money beliefs – the good, the bad & the ugly.

What do I mean by being in the right frame of mind? Well, you know how sometimes you lose your car keys or you can’t remember where you put them and you try and try and try to remember but you can’t? 

Well you’re in the wrong frame of mind to receive the information because you’re focused on what’s not there…

You’re focused on the problem.

But then two hours later, you’re in the shower washing your hair, and suddenly you go, “That’s right, I put them in the kitchen in the cupboard when I was getting the tea out,” and you remember because you’re suddenly in the right frame of mind and open to receiving information so your unconscious says, “Oh finally, there’s a crack,” and pushes the information through. 

That’s all you need to do. 

Ask really good questions such as “I wonder what I would need to believe to be creating this situation over and over again. And I wonder where that belief came from?”


Ask those sorts of questions and you can uncover your money beliefs. 


And when the answers come, it actually allows you to start unravelling some of that old patterning and some of those old stories that you’re telling yourself. 

One of the easiest ways to get in the right frame of mind to receive the answers is to get on the vibration of abundance, where you’re no longer focusing on that money as an issue.

To help you do that, I have this really great abundance vibration audio. It’s a hypnotic meditation to get you in alignment with the vibration of abundance, which is a good thing no matter what you’re doing. And you can grab it for free just by following this link:

If you want to uncover your money beliefs that are creating money blocks and stopping you from fully tapping into Law of Attraction, then I highly recommend you check out my Money Block Buster System™ here:

So go grab yourself that, ask lots of good questions, and let’s uncover your money beliefs that are stopping you from having the relationship with money that you really deserve and want to have. 

And until I see you next time, keep embracing your unlimited potential.

Ready to go deeper?


Say goodbye to money blocks the quick & easy way:

Money Block Buster System image


Download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Abundance Manifesting Meditation here:

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mindset shifts to attract 6-figures image
How to hit 6-figures in your business image

5 mindset shift to help you attract a 6-figure income in your business.
Click here:

How to hit 6-figures in your business – even if you have money blocks
Click here:

How to hit 6-figures in your business even if you have money blocks

How to hit 6-figures in your business even if you have money blocks

Let’s talk about how you can hit six figures in your business EVEN if you have money blocks.

Yep – that’s right 😊

Okay, money blocks, let’s talk about them because they’re annoying little things, aren’t they? 

But here’s the thing, everybody has them. EVERYBODY!  Even Oprah has money blocks. 

But there is one key thing that determines whether or not they’re going to stop you, whether or not they’re going to get in your way and that is entirely up to you. 

The thing that determines whether or not those money blocks will stop you and get in your way, is your FOCUS.

Is your block what you choose to focus on?. 






You have a choice. You can either notice these money blocks – which usually show up as old money stories, limiting beliefs, little voices of doubt, in the back of your mind. You can choose whether to pay them attention, whether to start seeking help and support and guidance with them and dig deeper and deeper and deeper into them –  or whether to go ‘Yep, thanks very much’, brush them off and absolutely focus on what it is you DO want.

You can choose and you can overpower them – basically just override them. 

Because you can do that. You can absolutely override your money blocks, by focusing all your attention, all your focus and all your power on what it is you DO want – on the outcome you ARE looking to achieve and you can keep looking for all the evidence and all the reasons why it CAN happen and why you’re the PERFECT person for the job because that evidence is also there.

So the problem with money blocks and why they stop most people is that they become really enamoured with them. They love to look at them and reminisce about where that came from and talk about all the different ways it’s held them back and tell ALL the stories.

There is a real emotional drama hook in that, and it’s human nature to be hooked into the drama.It’s very addictive.

And you know, even though it doesn’t serve you, it can still feel so comfortable and warm and satisfying. 

Telling the story, you know, telling how it happened because of this, and that, and this person and the economy at the time, and the divorce and the separation and the bankruptcy. And these are all the ‘reasons’. yes, but the thing is that’s also what keeps you stuck, because you’re focusing on the money block. 

So remember that you can choose to override it. 

It’s a matter of making sure that you utilise that most powerful force you have available to you – your focus.

It comes down to you and your determination, your persistence and your just doggedly refusing to go there. These powerful forces can help you override your money blocks. 

And you have Law of Attraction at your back as well, right? So as you focus on what is working, what is going well, on the evidence – you can see that things are working out, get excited about what’s going well, and how much people appreciate what it is you do for them. You build momentum, because Law of Attraction will grab a hold of that, and help you establish really strong, powerful, vibrational stability in that space.

And as you manage that, as you master that, you start to attract to you more and more things that match that.

And the more you do that, the more those old money blocks just seem like a big old lie that you suddenly have all this evidence to the contrary of.

The other thing that really helps you override your money blocks is consistent action.

So Number One:
Consistency of alignment…  of looking for the things that help you feel the way you feel when you’re winning.

And Number Two:
Consistent action in alignment with that.
Consistent action that demonstrates that you ARE expecting a positive outcome, that you DO expect it to work, that it IS going to work and that you’re NOT stopping until you figure it out!

So continually taking action, and doing all you possibly can to make sure your focus, your energy, your awareness is on what is working, what you do want and all the reasons why it can happen will automatically cancel and clear any money blocks that are not in alignment with that.

How cool is that?

So it’s up to you.
It’s up to you to have the determination and the focus, it’s up to you to create that shift.

And you can do it simply by getting up each day and saying, “I’m going to do the best I possibly can today.”

Now if you’d like a little bit more support with that, I do have a really great, entirely free resource for you that can help you more with this – you can grab it now from the link near this video.

So click that now, help yourself and until I see you next, keep on embracing your amazing and unlimited potential.


Grab the free 3 Steps to Manifesting a 6-Figure Income Training here:

The 3 biggest blocks to attracting a 6-figure business

The 3 biggest blocks to attracting a 6-figure business

Let’s talk about the three biggest blocks to you attracting and manifesting a six figure business, and for your business to actually be generating six figures plus on a consistent level.

So where are we going to start with this? Let’s talk about six figures. Let’s talk about why six figures is such a big deal, because this is important for you to recognise if you’re going to uncover those blocks and realise which one of them is the one you may need to deal with. 

First, because six figures is a symbolic threshold, right? It’s this threshold where you step across from having a business that may be considered a hobby, or not really for your livelihood or your household. 

And you step across this threshold and it symbolises freedom – financial freedom – and it symbolises success. Your business has made it at that point. Usually your business is employing other people and their livelihood partly depends on it as well. 

So it’s a real coming of age for your business when it crosses this six figure threshold, and emotionally and mentally, that is a really big deal.






Now, if you’ve come from previously being in a job as most of us have, and then you’ve moved into having your own business and being an entrepreneur, then the biggest issue with the six figure thing and why it suddenly feels different and hard, is because it’s not the same as when you’re earning six figures plus in a job. 

You might have come from a career where you earned multiple six figures and you’re really comfortable with that. And now suddenly, you’re in this business, and it feels really weird and hard and it feels like you have to ask people for way more money than you feel comfortable, just to allow you to make that level of income. 

So when you get moved into a business, you need to start recognising that it’s just not the same as when you’re in a job. It is different in your business. There are a few reasons for that. 

The key one is that YOU set your worth. YOU decide what your hourly rate is, YOU decide what your products are worth, YOU DECIDE.

You decide the pricing, you decide the structure, how long you work for, what kind of hours you work, what that looks like, and also you have to stand up there and claim it, you have to be visible, you have to actually stand up and claim your worth. 

Whereas in a job, you don’t so much have to do that. You’ll go to a job interview, you’ll usually accept the salary that’s offered – which is what most women do, they don’t generally negotiate very well – and then you wait for the pay rises to come through. 

It’s easy to just coast along and appreciate the pay rises as they come and let somebody else dictate your worth. 

But in your business, it is totally up to you. And this is where those three big blocks come from, the three biggest blocks, generally speaking, that are at the core of what’s getting in the way of women attracting that six figure income in their businesses.

So you can sum them up simply as this:

1. ‘I’m not good enough.’

‘I’m just not good enough at this yet’. Right? Or ‘I’m not good enough to claim this amount of money, to ask this amount of money’. 

That’s where the visibility blocks come in. If that’s a limiting belief, then often what happens is that the person who has that going for them – and maybe that’s you or what has been you at some stage – are often unwilling to show up, or they feel uncomfortable about showing up. Showing up as the expert, showing up as somebody who says ‘Work with me, I can help you with that and here’s what I charge for it’. It feels uncomfortable. So not feeling good enough is the number one.

2. ‘I don’t know enough.’

‘I don’t know enough and I can’t offer enough’. And that manifests itself usually in over delivering, in taking on one course after another, after another. Getting all these extra qualifications that you don’t really need because deep down inside, you still feel like you don’t really know enough or what you’re offering is not enough to warrant that level of income, to warrant charging what you’re wanting to charge and that level of energy exchange. So ‘It’s not enough’ is the second big block that causes women in business to not be able to cross that six figure threshold.

3. ‘I’m not worthy of it.’

This one is an oldie but a goodie. It’s a lack of worthiness, a lack of feeling worthy of it. It can come in different kinds of ways, but it all comes down to, ‘I’m not worthy of it’. There may be different phrases used but they essentially mean that. They essentially mean, ‘I don’t think I’m worthy of it’ and that tends to show up in your pricing – you struggling with your pricing, struggling to set your prices, struggling to raise your prices, and also struggling to ask for money, to actually ask for the energy exchange.

So they are the three biggest blocks to attracting a six figure income in your business that I see all of the time. 

So I invite you to sit down with that and have a look at which one really resonates for you, and then be willing to do some work around it because that’s the next step. You need to shift your self-image if you’re going to clear that block. 

If you’re going to start seeing yourself as good enough, worthy enough and knowing enough, that requires a shift in your self image. 

If you’re ready to take that next step, then I invite you to help yourself to my free training that will help you do exactly that.

I’ve linked it below so go grab that now and until I see you next, make sure you keep on embracing your unlimited potential.


Grab the free 3 Steps to Manifesting a 6-Figure Income Training here:

Clear your money blocks by paying attention to your money

Clear your money blocks by paying attention to your money

Are you avoiding paying bills, looking at bills or just getting your money sorted out in general?

Then you’re ignoring your money & I’m sorry to tell you – it’s not going to like it!

When you act like that, you’re disconnecting from your money – just as you would from any friend if you treated them like that. And if you’re wanting more money to come to you and stay awhile, that’s not a very smart approach…





Energetically it cuts you off from the vibration of money, because money is energy & what you focus on expands. So as you refuse to pay attention to money, you are starving your money flow of oxygen.

You throttle the flow.

As you start to give your money some attention again, the flow can come back to life.

There’s another beautiful side effect to paying attention to your money and that is that it empowers you. As you pay attention to your money and take charge again, your confidence will grow and that raises your vibration. And as your vibration raises, all good things automatically start to flow to you even faster – including money and all other forms of abundance!

So listen up as I explain:

  1. why money is energy and how you get to mould that energy
  2. what you need to do to increase that money flow into your life
  3. how YOU will change as a result of paying attention to your money


Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here: