STOP decluttering your office to manifest money! (try this instead)

STOP decluttering your office to manifest money! (try this instead)

If you’ve been decluttering your office to manifest more money – for the love of God, please STOP!

Let’s talk about what you should be decluttering FIRST – before you worry about having a tidy office – that will help you enjoy more money faster.

I know that decluttering your office can SEEM to hello you manifest more money. And it’s definitely super common & popular advice. 

I’ll explain why it may help you attract a bit more money.

But once I share what you’re much better off spending that time on and WHY, you’ll never worry about having a messy office again! (I certainly don’t) 😊



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Let’s take a moment to think about this:

What are we wanting to attract more of? 

Answer: MONEY

And what are we trying to align our vibration with? 

Answer: MONEY.

So although our office is where we generate our money, how about we cut out the middle steps and just declutter our actual money?

Because as much as sitting in a cluttered space can add to your mental stress, having your actual money in a mess is a LOT more stressful!

If you don’t know where the money to pay your bills is – which money to run your business with – how much money you can comfortably spend on having fun, getting a massage and going out with your friends, THAT is stressful!

And if you’re stressed about your money because it’s in a mess, you’ll have a wobbly vibration around money – because money is a source of stress.

And so guess what you’ll be unconsciously blocking? More money!

Because you don’t want more stress, do you?

So instead of worrying about cleaning up your office (which yes, I really need to do that too one day), let’s focus on cleaning up your vibration on the specific topic of money by organizing the money you’ve already got and making it work a whole lot better for you.

Before I list the benefits of decluttering your money and give you a simple way to get started – let’s cover why decluttering your office MAY seem to work.

Because some people will try and convince you that THIS is the way – because they had some success with it.

Actually – was this you? Let me know below!

Have you ever decluttered your office and attracted unexpected money afterwards?

Here’s why it happens:

Basically, when you declutter your office, you’re distracting yourself and allowing your vibration to raise.

You’re taking yourself out of the equation, stepping away from the resistance & stress of trying to get more income flowing.

And as you tidy your space, it makes you feel a little better and raises your vibration. Maybe you even play some music while you’re decluttering. Awesome!

So as you let go of all that resistance on the topic of money & your vibration raises, you naturally align with abundance and that allows more to flow.

And that’s cool, but what I’m much more interested in is getting a CONSISTENT flow of money into your life and business..  and making that money work for you.

And that is where decluttering your ACTUAL money and your ACTUAL banking comes in!

Because if your money’s a mess, you’ll be a mess – likely a stressed out mess.

By simply getting your money sorted, you start to feel calmer, which shifts your vibration on the actual topic of money.

It’s not just a quick distraction that only lasts until you focus on money again,

You’ve actually cleared resistance on the specific topic itself!

And when you organize your banking, your money can flow properly into your business and through into your personal accounts.

It’s no longer all tangled up!
And that smooths the vibration AND the flow – both on an energetic and a practical level.

Organizing your money gives you clarity.

You know where the money to pay for things is and which accounts to use for what.

When you know that the money to pay your tax is there – that the money to keep your business running is there – and that the money to pay your personal bills AND have fun with is there, you feel calmer, in control, empowered and just all round.. GOOD!

And because this feeling is on the specific topic of money, not only are you raising your vibration and becoming more magnetic. You are also becoming a better match to that more abundant version of you.

Of course, on a purely practical note, it also means that your money’s working for you.

You can stop robbing Peter to pay Paul, shuffling money in circles or sneaking a quick peek at your banking at the supermarket checkout, in case you need to use the credit card….

As Bob Proctor once told me, there are 2 ways to make money:

People at work and money at work. 

By getting your money organized, you’re able to put your money to work for you.

Can you see how as we marry the magical with the practical it all comes together and builds momentum?

As we get more organized and declutter our money, it raises our vibration and makes us magnetic to more. And as we become magnetic to more and have a system in place to take care of that money, it can grow and multiply (or as I say, ‘make money babies’)

Your money is working for you and every dollar your money is making on its own, is a dollar you didn’t have to lift a finger for!

Here are 2 important principles for decluttering your money:

NUMBER 1: Separate business and personal money

Just as if you were decluttering your office, you would separate your office space from your home space, you want to do the same with your money.

You want that nice, clean focus.

NUMBER 2: Give every dollar a job to do

Every dollar needs a clearly defined job and a place to work.

I highly recommend you watch the episode linked below for more help with this, but here’s an easy way to get started:

Simply name your bank accounts to indicate what the actual purpose of the money in them is.!

Examples: ‘Business Operating’, ‘Fun Money’, ‘Household Bills’ etc ‘

Nickname them on your banking app so you know what the money in each account is for – and so you never have to worry about using the wrong account.

And be clear as to whether each account is business or personal.

How simple is that?

If you’d like me to take you by the hand and lead you through a step by step process to properly organize and tidy your banking, just jump on my free workshop here.

Tell me: What’s your biggest takeaway?

Are you going to stop decluttering your office and declutter your money first instead?

I’d love to see a ‘Hell yes – I’m decluttering my money!!‘ in the comments. It’ll make me so happy.

xx Miriam 

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Organize & Tidy Your Banking

‘Spark the joy’ of becoming magnetic – for women entrepreneurs.

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A simple exercise to identify limiting beliefs

A simple exercise to identify limiting beliefs

Contrary to popular belief, limiting beliefs are NOT difficult to identify!

In fact – that in itself is a limiting belief!

Limiting beliefs can cause you to procrastinate, self-sabotage, freeze up in fear and miss out on golden opportunities. They generally make life difficult.

But to IDENTIFY limiting beliefs is incredibly quick & easy!

In this episode, I’m going to show you exactly how easy and simple identifying your limiting beliefs is.
I’ll share the ONE simple question that helps you do it – and show you how to use it!



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Why is this process so simple? Because we deal with the issue at its source – your unconscious mind!

It’s your unconscious mind that CHOOSES which beliefs you take on. And it’s tapping into your unconscious mind by asking ONE simple question that helps you identify those beliefs.

And when it comes to later transforming and CHANGING those beliefs, it’s again quickest & most effective to work with your unconscious mind. But let’s worry about IDENTIFYING your limiting beliefs first!

This is actually the most important – and empowering – part of the process.

Because when you shine that light of consciousness, you are bringing that belief out of the unconscious and into your conscious awareness. And THAT is when you’re back in the driver’s seat and in a position of power.

To do that is really not that difficult. In fact, I’ve created an entire DIY system called the Limiting Belief Busting Process to help you identify and transform your limiting beliefs.

In a moment, I’ll take you through the first part of that process – to IDENTIFY YOUR LIMITING BELIEF.

We do this based on one simple principle: “Your Reasons Demonstrate Your Beliefs.”

Here’s how to apply this: Any time I ask you, “Why do you do that, say that or think that?” The REASON you give me basically tells me what you believe. It’s the beliefs you hold that inform your actions, words & thoughts.

I’m sure you’ve noticed this in your own life. Sometimes you will say something to another person and they make it mean something entirely different. That’s because they hold a belief that is coloring their perception. We all filter our experiences through this lens of our perception. And this lens is colored based on our belief system.

We don’t really experience the world as it is. We experience the world as we believe it to be.

Any time you experience negative emotions, it’s a sign that you have a limiting belief. So if you’re wondering where to begin, just look at your negative emotions. Because they indicate that you’re being triggered by a negative limiting belief. So your emotions are very helpful because they provide a signal and a clue that points you in the right direction.

So let’s demonstrate how easy it is to identify limiting beliefs. I’ll give you an example and you can play along at home with your own limiting belief.

We start with a negative emotion – identifying both the emotion and the situation it relates to.
(incidentally, if you watch the video for this episode, you’ll see me demonstrate this process using the Limiting Belief Busting Toolkit)

Let’s pretend it’s, “I feel really stressed out and scared about launching my new group program”

So we’ve identified the feeling and what it’s related to.

Now let’s use the principle I shared that our reasons demonstrate our beliefs.
We want to find out the reason for this emotion. How do we do that…? SIMPLE! We just ask!!

We literally ask, ”Why do I feel that way about this situation?

Why do you feel really stressed out and scared? 

You could feel any other way. You could feel excited and inspired, yet you choose to feel stressed out and scared. Why do you feel that way?

And your answer will show you the underlying belief.

Let’s pretend the answer is, “Because I still feel like I don’t know enough and people won’t buy it anyway.”

So what we actually have in this example, is something that happens a lot in real life. And that is that we’ve identified TWO limiting beliefs!

First we have, ‘I still don’t know enough’.

And that’s definitely a big limiting belief..  and also very common in the women business owners I work with. This is why they tend to keep enrolling in more courses, doing more marketing programs and hiring yet another new coach.… (ring any bells..?)

So ‘I still don’t know enough‘ is definitely a limiting belief that’s going to cause all sorts of trouble and hold you back.

But we’ve also identified a second limiting belief, ‘People won’t buy it anyway’.

This is a limiting belief that people won’t buy what you have to offer – that they don’t want it.

So by getting clear on the negative emotion and asking what the reason for that feeling is, we’ve identified not one, but TWO limiting beliefs!

If we were continuing to work through the Limiting Belief Busting Process, we would now release and replace these beliefs. And we would do that by focusing on one at a time. My recommendation is to start with the one that holds the most energy – the secondary one will usually fall away in the process.

So there you have it! It’s that quick and easy to identify your limiting beliefs. 


All we’ve basically done is ask one question, ‘Why do you feel this negative emotion?’

By identifying the belief, you’ve taken away its power and done the lion share of the work.

Remember, this was an unconscious limiting belief until now. By identifying it, you’ve brought it into your conscious awareness. You’re literally shining a light of consciousness on it and put yourself in a position of power.

So now you can ask yourself, “Do I really want this limiting belief to inform the way I show up, the way I run my business, the way I do life? Do I want to start looking at things differently? And in what ways can I start to do that?”

Everything changes once you’ve identified that limiting belief.

Tell me in the comments below: What’s your biggest takeaway from this episode?

PS: If you’d like support with identifying your limiting beliefs AND want to go the next step where you release and transform them, grab yourself the Limiting Belief Busting Toolkit. You get everything you need: worksheets, a tutorial and access to live workshops! PLUS, it includes HYPNOSIS to ensure that new empowering belief gets wired into your unconscious as quickly and deeply as possible.  Just click this link to get access now.

Ready to go deeper?


Say goodbye to money blocks the quick & easy way:

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Manifesting Abundance – 7 Deadly Sins That Get In The Way

Manifesting Abundance – 7 Deadly Sins That Get In The Way

Sometimes you’re doing all the things on the ‘manifesting abundance checklist’ – yet Law of Attraction just doesn’t seem to be working. Why is that?

Well, it’s not that it’s NOT working. It’s just that it’s working against you.

You are literally manifesting the ABSENCE of the thing you want.

In this episode, we cover ‘7 Deadly Sins’ that appear to block Law of Attraction & stop you from manifesting abundance.

So that you’ll know what to stop doing that blocks the flow – and how to turn things around so that abundance tap opens up wide.






When I first learnt about Law of Attraction, I wasn’t even sure it was a real thing. But I have a science background and by the time I finished researching, I realized that not only was it a real thing – it’s a science!

And one of the things about science is that it doesn’t discriminate. This is one of the biggest mistakes people make. They think Law of Attraction only works ‘some of the time’ or for ‘some people’ (you know.. the lucky ones..)

But it’s ALWAYS working.

The question is – do we know how to make it work for us – or are we unknowingly making it work against us?

So let’s cover these 7 common ‘Law of Attraction mistakes’ so that manifesting abundance becomes easy & natural for you:


NUMBER 1: Focusing on what’s missing

Most people fall into this trap.
And that’s because they want to manifest something they don’t have! That’s why they want it, after all. Because it’s missing.. they don’t yet have it.

This is a tricky one and can take lots of practice. The key here is self-awareness because the natural tendency is to focus on what we want … because we don’t have it.

But ‘Like Attracts Like’, and YOU are the magnet!

Whatever you are energetically aligned with – whatever you’re focusing on – that’s what you’re going to draw more to you of. And if you’re focusing on what’s missing and that it’s not here yet, you’re manifesting more of it NOT being here.

So how do you flip that?

Well, it’s actually very easy. Look around you and try to find the closest thing that you do already have.

Let’s use the example of money. If you focus on the money you do have, and the income you are generating and feeling great about that, then you’re switching your focus from “I want extra money that I don’t yet have.” to “Oh my goodness. I love having money!”

And THAT is what makes you magnetic to more! Because where your attention goes, your energy flows and what you focus on expands.

So check in with yourself:
Are you focusing on what’s missing? Or are you focusing on what you already have that you’re excited about getting more of?

This is why one of the first keys to Magnetic Money™️ we practice in the program, is focusing on the evidence of the abundance and money we already have.


NUMBER 2: Constantly changing your mind

I see this a lot. People set a goal, declare a dream and get all excited – for about 5 minutes.

And then they start second-guessing themselves. They start doubting that it’s achievable, reasonable and doable.

They start thinking, “Oh, maybe I’m asking too much. Maybe if I just lower my expectations, the Universe will deliver more easily.”

But that actually means your energy is not consistently focused on the end result you want. It’s all over the place. And no momentum can build.

I like to call this ‘confusing the waiter’, because it’s like sitting in your favorite restaurant and ordering your favorite meal. But after you place your order, you call the waiter back & change it again. And then you do that again .. and again. And when they finally deliver your order to the kitchen, you call them back and decide you want the first thing you ordered after all.

How far do you think that will get you?

Can you see how that’s effectively what you’re doing to the Universe when you keep changing your mind? You’re not actually sticking with one thing long enough for it to be prepared and delivered so that you can enjoy it.

So the key is to stop changing your mind & just get excited about what you’ve ordered while you enjoy the conversation and wine at your table.


NUMBER 3: Not taking action

The actions you take demonstrate what you truly EXPECT.

People often sit back, waiting for the Universe to deliver before they do anything. That’s because they’re hedging their bets – they’re not really sure and they don’t want to get their hopes up.

But your action demonstrates your expectation.

And so if you don’t take action that demonstrates that you EXPECT that good thing to happen, then you’re sending out mixed messages.

Your job is to show up and be ready to receive.

So please don’t sit back on the couch, waiting for the delivery guy to knock on the door before you do something. Get up and take action!

What’s the most natural first step you can take?

What is the first step that demonstrates that you’re expecting that ultimate outcome? How can you demonstrate that positive expectation with your baby steps?

If you want to go on a big overseas trip, you start deciding where you want to go and how you’ll get there. You wouldn’t just wait until you suddenly wake up in Rome one day. You’d take action IN ADVANCE, in expectation of waking up in Rome one day.


NUMBER 4: Being incongruent

We already talked about the importance of taking action and how that adds to your congruence. But it’s about more than that.

It’s also about listening to the words you speak and the thoughts you think. Because sometimes we say we want one ething, but our words, our thoughts and our actions say something totally different.

And that lack of congruence means your signal to the Universe is pretty messy. And so your results will match that.

Okay, let’s press pause and check in:

So far, we’ve covered 4 of the deadly sins that appear to block Law of Attraction.  (Although, be sure to read to the end, because I’m going to explain why they’re not actually blocking Law of Attraction. They’re just making it SEEM that way)

But let’s check in.
Type me a comment below and let me know which of those 4 things you really need to address. Where have you been getting in your own way & blocking yourself from manifesting abundance?



NUMBER 5: Complaining

Complaining that it’s not here yet – complaining that it’s not working – complaining about the old situation that you want to move away from.

When you’re complaining, you are adding a LOT of energy to the fact that it’s not here yet. So what you’re basically doing is hitting the emergency brake on that manifesting train and slowing it right down.

You are literally emitting a powerful energy that says, “It’s STILL not here. Is it EVER going to come? It’s taking WAY too long!”

And you are a powerful force!

When you complain, you’re blocking it from coming, putting energetic obstacles in the path of the very thing you want.

NUMBER 6: Being too attached

When you’re overly attached to how you decide it needs to be, you’re closing down to all the other opportunities and ways it could work out.

And I’m including being too attached to all the steps along the way. To how you THINK you should get there.

Most people tend to decide where they want to go, then try to figure out how they’ll get there. They plan it all out and they get really attached.

And if the Universe / Life / God delivers something that doesn’t look like the plan that you had in your head, you decide it’s not working and that you must be off track.

But what if there’s a better way than you could ever imagine? What if you’re perfectly on track? What if this little detour is going to give you amazing things that make the end result even more magical?

Being too attached means you don’t allow yourself to go with the flow and make the most of all the opportunities and golden nuggets being offered along the way.




NUMBER 7: Micro-managing the Universe

This is where you really pin the Universe down and try to give specific instructions of how it should all be. And this is a BIG problem!

Because it demonstrates a lack of trust.

Going back to our previous analogy, it’s like calling the waiter over again and again to make sure that the kitchen hasn’t forgotten your order, that they got it right, have all the correct ingredients and know how to make your dish.

Your energy’s really getting in the way of the inner workings.
It’s loudly screaming “I don’t trust this process!!”

And if you do that in a restaurant, you definitely won’t get your order because you’ll likely be asked to leave.

Okay. Last, but by no means least:

Here’s the most important takeaway from this entire episode for you

Law of Attraction is ALWAYS working. There is no off switch!

It doesn’t just work when you think of it or when you decide to ‘manifest something’.

You are always manifesting. It is always on. It is always working.

Your job is to ensure that your energy is in alignment with the outcome you desire. Your job is to be as congruent as possible. That you avoid getting in the way by second-guessing the Universe.

Remember: There’s no time out!

You can’t complain that it’s not working one minute, then go back to ‘manifesting it’.

It is always working. It is always on.

And so what’s actually happening is not that you’re BLOCKING Law of Attraction from working. It’s that you’re focusing Law of Attraction on the thing you DON’T want and manifesting the ABSENCE of the thing you want.

And usually you do it without realizing, because you are not self-aware enough. That’s why in the Magnetic Money™️ program, we start by improving your self-awareness.

Because as you start to recognize what you’re actually doing and understand your role in the process, you start to manifest more abundance.

And if you would love lots of high-touch personal support from me to facilitate your money transformation, just click here to find out more about Magnetic Money™️.

Did you enjoy this episode?

What’s your biggest take-away? Let me know below & I’ll see you in the next one!


xx Miriam


Want to manifest more abundance in your business & life - CONSISTENTLY?

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Tips For Building a Business You LOVE – that I wish I’d known sooner!

Tips For Building a Business You LOVE – that I wish I’d known sooner!

Building a business is one thing – but building a business you love is another thing altogether.

So today, I’m sharing my golden rules that I wish somebody had told me when I first started. Because building a business that you’re going to love takes clarity, focus and above all else – TRUST.






As women business owners, we generally don’t just want a business that makes lots of money. We want a business we love and that ticks a whole lot of boxes. We want a business that helps us feel fulfilled, to work with people we like, create a lifestyle that works for our family and that generates plenty of income.

Achieving all that takes a lot more than the traditional, masculine approach to business and success, where you just focus on maximizing profit. That’s why in Magnetic Money™️, what we focus on most of all is ABUNDANCE – creating an abundant state of being. And that’s about a whole lot more than just money (although we love the money too – don’t get me wrong! 😁)

When you’re in business, you’re going to have to pivot along the way. You have to be willing to admit when things aren’t working and you’re not heading in the direction you wanted. And then you have to find the courage to pull back and make changes.

This happened to me in a major way a couple of years ago. My business was happily making multiple six figures, but it just wasn’t working for me. It all looked good on paper, I was doing some fun stuff, but it was draining me. I was giving too much of my energy out and not getting enough time to just keep the wheels turning and chill.

I got to the stage where I realized that it wasn’t worth the money. And so I had to pull back and make some drastic and quite scary changes. I called it ‘pruning the rosebush.’ I literally cut out all this stuff, all these branches that had sprouted and that I was struggling to keep up with.

And so I pruned it back to the essential core of what I wanted my business to be. And along with that, I significantly pruned my income! So it took a lot of guts, faith and surrender to go through that process.

And it was a sobering and eye opening experience. For instance, I had to cut unnecessary costs, shrink my team down & really streamline my processes because my income had gone from multiple 6-figures to hovering just above the 6-figure mark.

But most importantly, pruning the rosebush gave me the chance to ask:
“What kind of business do I actually want?”

So let me share with you my golden rules for building a business you love – that I wish somebody had shared with me when I first started!

Hopefully these will help you avoid having to later make drastic changes like I did.


Even if you don’t have to, I highly recommend starting your business on a shoestring budget. Pretend you have no money!

Because the truth is, these days you don’t even need a website to start an online business. You can make do with a Facebook page, an Instagram account or a free YouTube channel.

When I first started my finance business – and even my current business – we used to spend so much money on business cards and tangible marketing material that we truly didn’t need.  These days, I don’t even have business cards! Because I honestly don’t need them.

But often new business owners will spend a whole lot of money on websites, logos and branding – when the truth is that, in the beginning, you don’t even know exactly where your business is going yet.

And often it’s just a sneaky way of procrastinating so you can avoid moving forward.

Plus, when you spend a whole lot of money on these things, chances are, you’ll stick with them way longer than you want to, because you’ll feel bad about ditching them. And that stops you from moving forward with something that feels much more aligned.

So go shoestring & stay nimble!


I know this will sound like it’s more of a masculine approach, but hear me out.

Test and measure everything and take a scientific approach to making decisions so you can ensure your mindset isn’t leading you astray.

Because one thing Ioften see is the belief that it has to be hard making us persevere with all the wrong things, while the EASY things that really move the needle go unnoticed.

A great personal example is my Money Habit Archetype Quiz.

I used to assume it wasn’t doing much because it’s just a quick quiz. But when I finally looked at my conversion data, I realised it performed THREE TIMES better than my next best opt-in!

I hadn’t even bothered building out a proper funnel for it, because I just assumed it wasn’t doing much.

So test & measure to avoid making decisions based on incorrect assumptions!


Following on from the last one, the next golden rule is that EASY IS GOOD.

Because easy means you’re in flow, that you’re in your zone of genius and in alignment where things just fall into place.

Once again, this is often a mindset issue. We will pursue the hard path just because we have an old limiting  belief that it has to be hard.

(You know… ‘Nothing worth doing is easy’ and all that crap)

I saw a great example of this recently with a new Magnetic Money™️ student. On her  welcome call with me, I asked about her business. She told me she did 2 separate things:

The first one she was actively working on and finding it really hard & challenging.
And the other one was kind of ‘just happening’. People kept asking for her help and offering to promote her work and she just really enjoyed doing it and it felt super easy.

So I asked why she wasn’t just focusing on that & she just looked at me….
Because it hadn’t even occurred to her that business could be so easy!

Needless to say, she’s been pursuing that part of her business and is absolutely killing it now 😁

OK, let’s press pause & check in…

What about you? Where have you been making it hard for yourself?
Where have you been ignoring the ‘easy’?

Let me know in the comments!


There is no formula for you.
Every expert and business strategist out there is teaching and selling their system that works for THEM.

And often it’s literally this weird twilight zone thing, where you pay them to teach you how they just sold you the thing where they teach you to sell things the way they just sold you the thing where they teach you… etc …

The point is they’re teaching you what works for THEM – what’s in alignment for THEM – what helped THEM build their seven, eight figure business. And that’s awesome, but it may not work for you. It may not be in alignment and may not be the right thing for you.

So remember that you’re allowed to do things your way. You’re allowed to invent YOUR way of incredible business success (and then you can teach it to others for whom it’s also in alignment)

So trust your instincts and don’t believe the gurus just because it’s worked for them. Because there is no formula for you.




Make your business pay for growth as you go!

Don’t just keep throwing personal money into your business to pay for expansion.

Yes, there may be times where it’s appropriate to lend your business some money, but generally speaking, make your business pay for its own growth.

That might mean delaying things while you save the money. And that’s a good thing!

Use that time to track & review your data and make sure this investment really is going to be your best move.

Paying as you go allows you to slow down a little and gives you breathing space to consider your decisions more carefully and prioritise.


Do your best to focus on one thing at a time and make sure you really believe in it.

Often we’ll spread ourselves too thin because we’re trying to do all the things at once. Usually that’s because we’re not sure which one will work. And so we spread ourselves thin while we fling spaghetti at the wall.

And before you know it, we’re frazzled and out of alignment. And that’s not going to help anyone.

So you’re better off staying grounded and focused on ONE thing. Give it all your energy, make sure you’re in alignment with it and then put something out into the world that you’re really proud of and stand behind.

There are a million different strategies and things you can do. And there is no right or wrong. There is just the one that you feel aligned with and choose to go with. Then put all your love, energy and focus on it.


Before I share the final – and possibly most important rule – let’s talk about WHY we often don’t do these things that can seem so simple and obvious.

The reason is old programming – limiting beliefs, lack of self belief & self worth, and thinking that we need to work a whole lot harder. That we’re not qualified enough – that we need another piece of paper,  a better website, or whatever before we’re finally allowed to have what we ultimately want.

If that’s something you need to address, then grab the Limiting Belief Busting Toolkit. It’s a powerful method based on hypnosis and NLP concepts and it mirrors the things I will do in a 1:1 session with clients – except it’s a whole lot cheaper because you get to do it on your own!

It comes complete with worksheets, hypnosis audios & tutorials to help you identify & release old limiting beliefs – then replace them with empowering new ones.

Ok, moving on to:


This one is really important to embrace from the very beginning.

A lot of people will work 7 days a week so that one day, they can have a lovely, hands-off business they run in just a few hours a week.

But it doesn’t work like that!

The business you’re building now is the business you’re going to have.

So if you’re working long hours and making it hard and stressful, then you are building a business that will feel hard & stressful and require you to work long hours.

You are training your business and you are training yourself!

Instead, engineer it backwards.

What kind of end result do you want? How many hours do you want to work? What do you want to spend those hours doing? Do you want to spend them client facing or on your marketing or content creation? Do you want to create self study programs or live courses? Do you want to coach people in groups or 1:1?

What do you want to spend your time on and how many hours do you want to work?

Then build your business along those parameters and set up those boundaries for yourself NOW.

Get automated systems and support in place so you don’t get stuck doing things you don’t want to do. And even if you have to do them at the beginning (#becauseshoestringing) then create a plan to hand them over ASAP.

So there you have them. My golden rules for building a business you will love.
If I could go back and do it over again, I’d have somebody sit with me and tell me these.

I hope you got lots of value from them. Please let me know in the comments:

  • What did you learn? 
  • What did you love? 
  • What action will you take?

I’ll see you in the next one!

xx Miriam


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.


How to achieve financial goals WITHOUT being a Scrooge!

How to achieve financial goals WITHOUT being a Scrooge!

Did you know that being a Scrooge and becoming too frugal can actually be counterproductive?

We’re often told to tighten our belts, cut all unnecessary expenses & save, save, save if we want to achieve our financial goals. But that can actually stop more money from flowing!

So today we’ll talk about why and how being too frugal can be counterproductive – and what to focus on instead to help you achieve those financial goals and encourage MORE money to flow.

We’ll cover 4 ways over tightening your belt can choke the flow of money and abundance. Then we’ll discuss 3 things you should focus on instead so you can achieve those goals AND attract more money along the way.






But let’s be clear. I’m not telling you NOT to save money and cut unnecessary spending. It’s great to stop wasting money. But it’s also way toop easy to go overboard and over tighten that belt so much that you’re also completely choking the flow of abundance!

What’s worse, you may also convince yourself that to get financially ahead, this is how life has to be. You may be reinforcing and creating a poverty mindset.

Plus, living too skint is usually not sustainable. And that can lead to budget blowouts and a sense of failure. And sometimes all that frustration will result in a full blown ‘budget rebellion’ where you go on a spending spree and undo all the great progress you just made.

Before we get into it, a little story for you:

When I was a broke, newly single mom, I would drive into my son’s very expensive private school in my Mazda. It wasn’t a bomb, but this school carpark was full of convertible Bentleys and other luxury vehicles, with nannies driving the kids to school. And I would feel so embarrassed and like I didn’t belong at all, and like I had ‘broke single mum struggling to pay her rent’ tattooed across my forehead.

But the really interesting thing is that even after my business took off and the money started flowing in, that feeling persisted. I still felt like I didn’t belong. I still felt uncomfortable and awkward. I still felt embarrassed and ashamed  – even though I was probably making more money than some of the other parents. And don’t get me wrong – everyone was quite lovely. It was nothing they did. It’s just what I perceived and how I felt.

Even though I was making great money and running a successful business, I still felt less than. And that is the danger here. If you overdo the frugality thing, if you turn this into a way of life, you may program yourself into thinking that you are a pauper. That you don’t belong and don’t deserve the nice things in life.

Having more money does not guarantee feeling abundant.

So let’s cover a few ways being too frugal can block the flow of money. What you’ll notice is that these points are all about marrying the magical with the practical, which is what I’m all about.

Because you have an energetic relationship with money. You either magnetically attract it – or repel it. You also have an unconscious relationship with money – your internal stories about your self-worth, your deservingness and whether money is hard or easy to make. And then you also have a practical relationship with money, which is all about having money confidence and knowing what to do with your money.

We need to bring all of that together and into harmony. This is what the Magnetic Money™️ program is all about. You can check it out here.

The first thing to remember is that feeling abundant is what makes you magnetic to more. So if you overdo the cost cutting and start living too frugally, you leave no room for feeling abundant and enjoying the money you have. And that means you’re closing the gates that allow more abundance to flow.

You are the magnet.

When you feel abundant, you attract abundance. And when you feel like there’s not enough, you attract more ‘not enoughness’.

So you want the actions you take to make you feel abundant and celebrate the money you have in your life.



Having dedicated fun money is a legitimate manifesting exercise that allows you to attract more money consistently.

It helps you naturally align with the vibration of abundance and become magnetic to more.

So it’s important to have SOME fun money that you can spend on whatever you like – no judgment, no repercussions, no apologies and no guilt.

But the problem is that when most people decide to ‘tighten their belt’, fun money is the first thing to go!

(Of course, you need to have your money system set up to ensure you know where to find your fun money and how much there is so you can spend it without adversely affecting your goals. You can check out the Magnetic Money™️ System Bootcamp here if you need help with setting up your money system)

Over tightening your belt and living really skint will almost guarantee budget blowouts. Because life happens.

And if you keep blowing the budget, you’ll start feeling like you failed, like you can’t do this & like it doesn’t work. You might go into full blown ‘budget rebellion’ where you go on a spending spree and undo all your good work. 

So you don’t want to over tighten the belt to where it’s not sustainable. 

(There’s an episode linked below in which I take you through the basic principles of a money system that works, so be sure check that out next.)

Let me know in the comments:
Have you given up on budgeting because you kept blowing the budget?
And have you ever gone into a full budget rebellion and gone on a spending spree? (and what did you buy?)

Now, the final reason you don’t want to over tighten your belt and become a total scrooge is that it can really fuel a poverty mindset.

Lots of people who join the Magnetic Money™️ program are already trying to overcome a poverty mindset. And as I showed you in my personal story, more money doesn’t change that pattern!

If your unconscious program says it’s never enough and you’re not safe, you still won’t be able to relax even when you make more money. You’ll still worry.

We call that an Accumulator Habit Archetype pattern. It’s usually fed by an old money story that says “I’m not safe. It’s never enough.”

And so when you get into a habit of drastically cutting costs, you’re reinforcing that pattern and story. And the problem with that is that even when you’ve completely changed your financial situation, you’ll still feel broke. And that is just no fun.

So, let’s talk about what you can do instead, that will allow you to reach your financial goals WITHOUT inadvertently turning off the tap of abundance.

Whenever you cut costs, do it from a place of empowerment. 

You want to feel excited, knowing this is helping you move forward financially. You don’t want to feel like you’re sacrificing your first born to pay off a credit card! You want to feel like you’re trimming some fat that was just weighing you down anyway.

And whatever you’re substituting that old thing with, make sure it’s something that nourishes you even more.


Leave plenty of wiggle room!

You want to prevent budget blowouts and a full blown budget rebellion. You want to feel good about staying on track and you want to actually achieve those goals.

Leaving plenty of wiggle room and not making things too tight is a simple way to help you chieve that.

We already talked about the importance of fun money.

Yes, cut spending on things you don’t need. Save money where money is being wasted. But amongst all of that, there has to be some dedicated fun money that allows you to feel abundant and celebrate the money you do have – even if it’s $10 a week. Even if it’s just that one coffee date you take yourself on.

The trick is to really celebrate and enjoy it. 

Feel good about the choices you made and appreciate spending that fun money even more.

There’s a world of difference between savouring your weekly coffee date even more because it’s more special now versus feeling like you’re not allowed to do anything fun anymore because you have to save money.

In an upcoming episode, I’ll be talking about the importance of focusing on what you have in order to attract more. I’ll be pointing out the ways people get it backwards, even though they think they’re doing it right. So keep an eye out for that!

Now, to succeed with all of this, you will need to have your banking sorted. Because that’s the basic infrastructure through which your money flows. So if you haven’t taken my free workshop to help you organize and tidy your banking yet, I suggest you hop on it now.

And if you’re ready for a full blown money transformation and want high-touch, live  support from myself, then check out Magnetic Money™️.

I hope you enjoyed this episode!

Let me know your biggest take-is in the comments below and I’ll see you in the next one.

xx Miriam 

Ready to go deeper?




Organize & Tidy Your Banking

‘Spark the joy’ of becoming magnetic – for women entrepreneurs.

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