Meditation for Manifesting Money – The Science of Law of Attraction

Meditation for Manifesting Money – The Science of Law of Attraction

How would you like a meditation for manifesting money?

It might sound too good to be true to manifest more money with your eyes shut but it’s totally possible. The trick is to not just use any kind of meditation. The best kind of meditation for manifesting money is a hypnotic meditation that is a meditation that will tune you to the vibration of abundance.

This is done by reprogramming your mind and reconditioning your body – energetically upgrading you to a new, more abundant version of you. A version of you who is a vibrational match to more money.

In this episode, I give you access to exactly that kind of meditation. But before you rush off to download it, let me explain how to use it for maximum effect and why it’s so powerful.






Both in my own journey going from broke, single mum to multiple 6-figure business owner, living an abundant life I adore … and in helping my clients do the same… there’s one thing that keeps cropping up over and over and over again. 

People think that it’s what they DO that will help them attract and manifest the money they want.

But it’s actually not what you do that matters. What matters is how you feel.

Because this is a vibrational Universe and Law of Attraction organizes all those vibrational frequencies and matches them up.

At the end of the day, the Universe isn’t listening to your desires. It’s not reading your daily manifestation lists or your journal or any of those things. It’s not listening to your affirmations. It’s not taking photos of your vision board and trying to find matches out there. It’s not doing any of that. All it does is respond to your vibration. It’s pure science, really.

It doesn’t judge and it doesn’t second-guess. 

It simply says, “This is what you’re putting out. I’m going to give you things that match it.”

So this takes me to the very first point:

When you do anything to manifest more money, it’s not about the act itself. 

It is about the shift inside of you that the act helps you achieve. 

Now there are two key things we want to shift here. 

The first one is we want to shift your neural pathways, the patterns in your brain that fire automatically over and over and over again.
And we want to shift those to be naturally tending towards more abundant thoughts. And as you do that, your brainwaves – which also emit a frequency – are going to be much more in alignment with abundance (which includes money). 

Money is just a subset of abundance. 

So that’s a really cool little hack. All we really need to do is match you up with the frequency of abundance.

So the very first way that meditation helps you do that is by shifting your neural pathways so that your brain starts automatically firing much more abundant thoughts.

Now, the second reason that a hypnotic meditation designed to create these unconscious shifts is so powerful and helps you manifest more money is that we can change your addiction to whatever mix of feelings is your current ‘normal’.

What do I mean by that? 

Well, we all have a normal, average way we feel. We have so much joy, so much frustration, so much worry, so much anxiety. There tends to be an average mix we’re used to that is our average. And when we go outside that natural mix, things start to feel uncomfortable – even if we’re starting to feel more abundant. 

That’s why when you grow, you usually hit what Bob Proctor used to call the terror barrier or what psychologists call cognitive dissonance or what I call perturbation or the wobbles.

As we start to grow and expand, it can get really uncomfortable because we’re starting to become a new version of ourselves.

You’re literally becoming a new version of you. 

There is a part of our brain, the cerebellum right near the brainstem, which is part of our ancient lizard brain. Its job is to go “Danger – Danger!! Warning – Warning!!” when we venture outside the norm.

It is literally trying to keep the caveman inside of us safe in the cave. Our biology is still wired that way.

That’s why sometimes when you want to grow and expand and do cool things in your business, you start self-sabotaging, things feel scary and you shrink back into the same old comfort zone. It’s not necessarily where you want to be, but it’s what you’re used to and therefore your body chemistry is comfortable with it and considers it ‘safe’.

So we literally have an addiction to a certain mix of body chemistry. And with a hypnotic meditation, we can recondition the body and slowly but surely start shifting that ‘normal’ to a more abundant mix. 

And as we do that – along with rewiring the thought patterns so they automatically start firing more abundant thoughts – we are shifting your vibration. 

We are shifting the signal you’re sending out into the Universe. 

Now, your signal is an electromagnetic signal. You are an electromagnetic being with electrical brain waves and magnetic heart energy. It all needs to be a match so your vibration is clear and clean. And then the Universe & Law of Attraction can say, “Now THAT is a match to more abundance, including this much more money!”

So that is how we can use meditation, especially a carefully and well-designed hypnotic meditation – to start manifesting more money.

You still need to show up during the day and put yourself out there, allow the opportunities to find you and be congruent in lots of other ways. 

But if you start by rewiring your brain and reconditioning your body then you’re shifting everything at the unconscious level first – and life gets a whole lot easier & more abundant as if by magic.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter much what you do on the outside of you. If you don’t first shift what’s going on inside of you, nothing else is going to work.

Remember, it’s not what you do that matters – it’s how you feel.

Because how you FEEL – that is your vibrational signature! That is the electromagnetic signal you’re sending out into the Universe, that the Universe will respond to and bring you matching things in return for. 

And with a hypnotic meditation that is designed to shift your ‘average normal’ state of feeling, you can become a more abundant vibrational being. And as you shift internally, your external reality will start to shift.

So here’s how to use this meditation. 

No.1: Download it (the link is below).

No. 2:
Listen to it frequently. Not 10 times a day, just once a day or maybe every second day – or maybe some weeks just once a week – that’s okay. Just keep using it regularly and enjoy it.

Enjoy it, and listen to it for the pure pleasure of diving deeper into feeling abundant. Allow yourself to be totally immersed in that vibration abundance so you continue normalizing yourself to it more and more.

You’ll find the link to this free meditation below. It’s called ‘The Vibration of Abundance”

Enjoy & remember, it’s time to embrace your unlimited potential and you are absolutely ready to do that – right here, right now!


Download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Abundance Manifesting Meditation here:

Manifesting Meditation Image


Ask Believe Receive – beware these traps in Law of Attraction!

Ask Believe Receive – beware these traps in Law of Attraction!

Ask. Believe. Receive. Seems like a simple enough formula, right?

If you loved ‘The Secret’, you’d be forgiven for thinking that’s all it takes to use Law of Attraction to manifest anything you want.

.. but there’s more to it than that!

And if you’ve tried implementing these steps, you’ve probably figured that out for yourself.

So let’s talk about those three steps: ASK – BELIEVE – RECEIVE

When I was a broke single mum,  I had two kids under five and a defunct engineering career.

Then I watched The Secret and applied everything within it.

But – like many – I quickly found that The Secret was just the headline.

Since then, I’ve created the life of my dreams, which includes things like getting to work with Mike Dooley, one of my favorite teachers in The Secret.

I’ve built two multiple six-figure businesses and married the man of my dreams, we live in the house of my dreams, we have a beachfront property, and life is really quite amazing.

But it was only when I learned what ask – believe – receive really means, that everything started to change.






Step 1 – ASK

Asking the Universe for what you want requires you to be clear, because the Universe can deliver anything that you want. It can, and it does. Most people mistake this step for… kind of… praying, begging, hoping, and are afraid of asking for too much.

Let me share an analogy:

You go to a fabulous restaurant with an amazing menu.

You simply need to decide what you want – then place the order with the waiter – all ingredients are available, and the chef knows what to do, so your order will shortly arrive, right?

But what most people do ,is they second guess everything and keep changing their order.

They confuse the waiter by saying “Oh, wow, I’d really love that lobster dish. That looks amazing. Give me one of those”. They then call the waiter back and say “Look, I know lobster’s asking for a lot. And you know, it’s hard to get really good quality, fresh lobster, and maybe, you know, it’s a lot of work for your chef. So I’ll just go with the prawns – prawns will be fine. If the lobster’s not available or if you don’t feel like preparing lobster, just bring me the prawns, the prawns will do…”

And the waiter goes “So you want prawns? Okay.”

And as he goes to the kitchen… you call him back and say “You know what? I really do want the lobster. Can we just make it the lobster? If it’s not an inconvenience I’ll go with the lobster.” So the waiter goes “Great! It’s a special – we’d love to serve you the lobster!”, and off he goes again.

If you’re constantly changing what you think you want – or what you think is possible, you also are constantly changing your order. You’re sending out mixed signals and the Universe can never get started on delivering you what you want – just as the waiter never gets to the kitchen to place your order for the chef to cook your meal and put it all together so it can be served to you. You’ll never get fed. 

Most people waste their time by confusing the waiter, changing their order over and over and not allowing the process to unfold. 

So this first step is about YOU getting clear on what you want and placing a clear order with the Universe.

Step 2 – BELIEVE

Believing is the step between asking and receiving.

If you get anxious and go back to step 1 because you feel like you need to ‘do something’… you become stuck in that step 1 revolving door – asking over and over again – confusing the waiter and not allowing yourself to ever get to step 3.

BELIEVE is also the part where you show that you fully EXPECT to move on to step three: RECEIVE.

You do this with your words and actions. It’s all about being congruent. You can’t say to the Universe “I’ll do something when the money shows up,” because that shows you have fear and doubt that it will happen – that you expect it to NOT show up.

You literally manifest your order not happening -rather than it happening.

So step 2, believe, is you walking the talk and staying the course.

Step 3 – RECEIVE

This might seem like a really easy one that has nothing to do with you, right?

Yet it’s ALL about you because it’s about your capacity and willingness to receive.

So let’s check in: Are you willing, and expecting, and setting yourself up to receive? 

This is the step where money blocks and limiting beliefs really come into play. When you asked, and believed, yet now are unable or unwilling to receive.

This is where the practical side of how you treat your money and whether or not you know how to take loving care of your money also comes into play.

If you don’t know what you’re going to do with it, you’re simply not ready to receive it yet.

So to recap, step 3 – RECEIVE – is about your capacity, readiness and willingness to receive. 

It’s about the mindset and the practical side. Sadly, most people get this completely wrong because they don’t address their limiting beliefs and money blocks, they don’t get their money systems in place or get organized to actually receive the money they’ve asked for.

One of the best indicators of your limiting beliefs is to look at your money patterns, what I call your Money Habit Archetype.

And there are only three of those: the Spender, the Overextender and the Accumulator.

I’ve created a quiz where you can find out which one is yours & help you use it to figure out what underlying limiting beliefs drive that money pattern.

The link for the quiz is below, so be sure to jump on that next!

It’s time to embrace your unlimited potential – and you’re absolutely ready to take the next step!


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.


6 Steps to 6 Figures with Law of Attraction – keep it simple & easy!

6 Steps to 6 Figures with Law of Attraction – keep it simple & easy!

Want the recipe for the 6 steps to 6 figures with Law of Attraction?

Great! Because in this episode we’re going to break it all down for you.

But first, a FUN FACT:

Law of Attraction is always on!

Yep – it’s ALWAYS working.

And that means you had better get on board and consciously participate in this process.
.. If you want to attract, manifest and enjoy more of the good things in life. …






Helping you attract a 6-figure+ income in your business is my jam.

In my Magnetic Money program, we break it down into simple & easy, actionable steps that you can repeat over and over again.

Law of Attraction is always on – just like gravity.

You can’t switch it on or off, but you can learn how to work with it to achieve the results you want.
(or you can keep on battling against it and complaining that it’s not working for you)

A long time ago I was a broke single mom. I had left my engineering career, I had left my marriage and I was left with two beautiful little children under the age of five and no income, no job, no career.

It was then that I really dedicated myself to figuring this out and learning what it took to work with the power of Law of Attraction.

At the time 6-figure income was the Holy Grail. It’s all I wanted. I thought if I could just tip over that magical 6-figure mark, everything would be fine.

And I did it! I didn’t just tip over the first 6-figures, but I created a multiple 6-figure business in finance.

The more I learned to work with the power of Law of Attraction, the easier it got..

I just kept on implementing these simple, easy, repeatable steps.

And then did it again in another business (in this business actually) –  and it’s all been LEVERAGED income.
It’s income that I don’t have to get out of bed for every morning.

And this is what I help my students and clients achieve.

So are you ready? (does a bear poop in the woods?)

STEP 1: Set the intention.

You need to get really clear on what it is you actually want. 

This isn’t about beating the Universe over the head with your order, but about YOU actually knowing what you want.

Because many people will spend a whole lot of time constantly changing their mind.

And that comes from a lack of clarity – and from feeling of not being worthy of asking for that thing.

So you’ll keep giving the Universe an out by saying “OK, even if I can just have half of that, I’ll be happy too”.

You send out mixed signals, and the Universe gets confused because you’re confused. 

And it’ll always mirror back whatever you’re putting out.

So it’s not that you can’t have whatever you desire; it’s that you need to really own it.

STEP 2: Get vibrationally on board with the outcome.

If you want to attract a multiple 6-figure income, you need to start feeling like that “6-figure income business owner”, and start resonating at that level.

Look at how you are feeling right now about yourself, your income, your ability, your capability, and start shifting the way you FEEL so you’re more aligned with that 6-figure+ version of yourself.

Step 2 is about conditioning your body so this becomes your normal state of being.

STEP 3: Reprogram the mind.

We’re talking specifically about your unconscious mind, because you want to make that predominant picture in your mind, that vision of how you see your life, to be that 6-figure+ version.

Programming your mind is most easily done through visualization.

Visualization is simple, easy and fun.

And the more you keep it that way, the more powerful it becomes. By regularly visualizing and really enjoying the process, keeping it simple and doing it every day, you reprogram your mind at the unconscious level.

This is how you start to automatically and unconsciously create and behave like the person who absolutely expects that 6-figure+ income to come into their experience. You will unconsciously behave in ways that help you attract everything you need to fulfill that dream.

STEP 4  is critical!

By this stage, the gremlins usually come out.

That’s those old belief systems and stories that say “Whoa, where we’re going is not safe! It’s not what we’re used to. THIS is NOT normal!”

So the gremlins try to distract and pull you back into the old familiar zone.

But we don’t want to stay there. We want to grow. We want to expand.

So you need to make sure you’re vigilant – without being overly vigilant. But you definitely want to keep an eye out.

And if and when you notice fear and limiting beliefs coming up, do what you need to do to transform them.

This is what helps you clear the road ahead so you can keep moving forward, keep on expanding and continue transforming and normalize to that next level of abundance.

It’s a journey to a place where you’re naturally attracting your desires & feel totally cool with it –  because that’s just how life is.

STEP 5: Taking action.

This is critical for several reasons.

Firstly, the Universe needs to be able to find you.
So you need to put yourself out into the flow of life. That is when opportunities, ideas, inspiration and everything you need in order to create that 6-figure plus income you’re looking to create can cross your path at the perfect time & in the perfect place.

Another reason is that if you do NOT take action and just sit there waiting for the money to drop out of the sky as you’re sitting on the couch watching Netflix, what’s that saying?

It’s saying you’re in a place of fear – or of not really expecting it to happen.
It says that until the Universe shows up with the money you’re not going to bother doing your part.

And this creates a stalemate situation where your inaction shows that you don’t actually expect it happen. And so it doesn’t.

This is why taking action is really, really critical.

And now for my favorite step of all:

STEP 6: Surrendering to the Universe.

You’ve decided what you want, visualized it, are feeling in alignment with it, cleared the obstacles, and are taking action… awesome.

But… HOW it all comes together and exactly WHEN is not up to you.


Because the Universe has the bigger picture in mind and so you don’t need to micromanage or worry.

You don’t need to – and in fact you shouldn’t – insist that it happens in exactly the way that you visualized it… because there are a million magical ways in which exactly what you want – and even better – can happen.

You just need to be willing to get out of the way and allow it to unfold.

Surrendering to the Universe and knowing that it is always working – trusting that you are on track – while you keep showing up and doing your part is absolutely critical to being able to use the Law of Attraction to manifest anything you want. And especially when you’re wanting to create that 6-figure+ income in your business.

So that is step Number 6 – surrendering and letting The Universe take over from here.

Now, if there’s a voice in the back of your mind asking “How do I make sure I get the balance right, Miriam? That I don’t become obsessed with the gremlins, or maybe let them run the show and not even realize it’s happening? How do I make sure I surrender, but I’m not lazy and not doing what I’m meant to be doing? How do I optimally juggle all these things?”, then I invite you to watch my free Masterclass to help you simplify your manifesting money mindset.

The link to that is below, so jump on and watch it now.

Before you go! Let me know in the comments:
Which of these steps are your strengths – and which are your weaknesses?

Maybe you’ve been avoiding one or more, thinking that if you just keep doing this OTHER one, you might not actually have to worry about them?

The thing is, you do need to do them ALL – without becoming bogged down and obsessive about any one of them.

And that simply takes practise.

You are ready to embrace your unlimited potential – and this is your time!

Magnetic Money System Bootcamp Event Cover


3 Top Tips For Raising Your Vibration

3 Top Tips For Raising Your Vibration

When we talk about ‘raising your vibration;, we’re talking about your feeling state – because feeling is how you interpret vibration.

Because when your feeling – or emotional state is a bit low, you’re not creative. You’re not intuitive. You can’t connect to big ideas and you can’t see yourself achieving the things you want to achieve. 

So that is why you need to lift your vibrational (feeling) state. 






So here’s my top tips for raising your vibration:

Number one: Start on a high vibration

This may seem stupid and obvious, but when you start in a high, good feeling place to begin with, you stand the best chance of staying there. So figure out how to wake up in the morning and get yourself into a good feeling place right away.

There’s a whole lot of ways you can do that and in the Magnetic Money program we take a step by step approach towards helping you wake up feeling great EVERY morning and making it your default state.

Number two: Work yourself up step by step. 

If you google the emotional scale, you’ll find a spiral diagram of emotions, where each is one step up from the previous one. It’s an emotional scale.

But you don’t really need a diagram to tell you what feels better than something else, because you feel it, right? So for example, revenge feels better than anger because it’s empowering. So if you’re in anger, do what you can to move to revenge. It’s not a great place to stay, but it’s a step up. Then once you’re in revenge, you can move on to blame. It’s ok – don’t be all weird about it – it’s just another step up. You just keep moving up until you can get to something more positive, like feeling hopeful or expectant. And from there, Law of Attraction and the Universe will help you motor things along so you start to feel better & better.

A hint: Don’t try to go straight to love and joy and peace and bliss. If you’re in anger or revenge, that’s a really long way to go! So moving up incrementally, whis a much easier & more sustainable way to go. 

Number three: Flip it!

The third way to raise your vibration is to flip it, which means that you look at where you’re at and go for a kind of vibrational judo move where you use the power of that emotion against itself.

So say someone’s really annoying. You’re blaming them for all your problems. (This never happens to me, by the way.. but I’ve heard of it, lol)

So you’re blaming it all on somebody else and you go: This sucks. It’s all their fault. They let me down. They always do this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

So what you do is you state it as you see it (in blame and with all the emotion) and then you say, “Okay. If I didn’t feel this way, how would I feel instead?”

And you start reeling off all the positive emotions that come to mind and allow yourself to feel them. For example, “I would feel positive, empowered, hopeful, expectant …  etc”

You just feel each positive word as deeply as you can let the next one come. and it will gather momentum.

And what you’ll suddenly find is that you’ve actually disconnected from the negative emotions and connected into a positive upwards cycle.

So this is a great pattern interrupt that also helps you build positive momentum – which is why it’s called flipping the vibration.

What you’ll find is that depending on how much negative momentum you have, different things will work better at different times. So if flipping the vibration is too hard, go back to the step by step approach.

It’ll be a bit of trial and error which is a good thing because it will make you more self aware and allow you to become aware of shifts in your vibrational state before it slides down an abyss.

Having a range of tools is important as it will allow you to reach for a quick & simple solution that is perfect for each situation.

Speaking of quick & simple solutions. If you’d like to have a mindset mentor in your pocket to help you clear your limiting beliefs anytime, anywhere, then grab yourself the Money Block Buster System!

You can check it out here:

Until next time, remember that it’s time to embrace your unlimited potential

xx Miriam

Ready to go deeper?


Say goodbye to money blocks the quick & easy way:

Money Block Buster System image


The secret power of acting as if (it’s not what you think!)

The secret power of acting as if (it’s not what you think!)

The power of acting as if is not faking it til you make it.

In fact – it’s kind of the opposite.

So I want to know:

  • Do you act as if you already are the person you hope to become? 
  • Do you act as if you already have some of those things you hope to have and plan to have? 
  • And do you act as if you’re already living that life that you desire? 

Cary Grant is quoted as saying, “I acted like Cary Grant for so long that I became him.”

(And if you don’t know who Cary Grant is, it’s because you’re a lot younger than me.) 

It’s genius advice because here’s the thing:
We all go on a journey in life. We start out in one place as a certain person, and then we aim to have the life of this new person that we want to become. 

This new life cannot be lived by the same person as the one who is at the beginning of the journey. 

This life can only be lived by the person who has created it. Who’s comfortable in it. 

So the trick – as with all things I teach – is to start from the inside out. 

You have to become that person.






You have to think, speak, feel and act like that person who has the life you desire. 

You have to tap into the power of acting as if.

And then the outside of you can start to fall into place and match that.

Acting as if isn’t about faking it until you make it. It’s not about being fake at all.

It’s actually about BECOMING REAL… becoming your new reality.

It’s about lining up your thoughts, feelings, words and actions, and having them all be congruent. This means that to your nervous system and to the quantum field to which you put out this constant signal, you’re sending a really clear congruent message of, “This is who I now am.” 

Then the outside of you can start to morph, and the pieces of the puzzle can fall together for you. Everything can come together for you to match what’s going on on the inside of you. 

But you need to start inside, and acting as if is a wonderful way of adding another layer to the work you’re already doing by managing: 

    • How you’re feeling
    • The thoughts you’re thinking
    • The words that you’re speaking
    • What you’re consuming in terms of media and the conversations you have 

Acting as if is very powerful because the way you act directly speaks to the way you think and what you truly believe about yourself. 

Just do any little token gestures, such as buying the more expensive cheese at the supermarket or walking up to somebody at a networking meeting, introducing yourself confidently and asking them about themself. 

Do something that you wouldn’t normally do, but that that person that you hope to become would totally do every single day. 

Pick something as an experiment for the next seven days and start acting as if. 

I challenge you to do it for seven days and I’d love to hear what shifts for you, how it helps you become more congruent and feel more congruent with where you’re going, and what happens. 

👇 Tell me below:
What’s one small way you can start acting as if today?


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.


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089_uncover your money beliefs image

How to manifest money fast by developing an abundance mindset
Click here:

How to uncover your money beliefs
Click here: